Oct 26, 2005 01:07
Compare and Contrast of Two Christian Essays
The Compare and Contrast of these to essays may seem very different. They are very similar in the spiritual world. They both talk about how religion in itself is interconnected between everyone. The essays are No Man is an Island by John Donne and The Rival Conceptions of God by C.S Lewis. They both talk about Christianity and the oneness of mankind and the difference the have between the two essays. While No Man is an Island talks only about Christianity, The Rival Conceptions of God talks about all religions as a whole.
The essay by Donne and Lewis share one basic idea and that is oneness of mankind. Donne talks about how when the bell rings that it is not only for the preacher but that it is for everyone. We all are connected to one another, when one is hurt the rest sense it. In a sense we are all the fruits of one tree. When one is eaten the body of the tree senses it. It calls out not just to that branch but it calls out for every branch, so it can heal its wound and but it in its history.
Lewis talks about how all religions are oneness, just like Donne talks about that we all are one. Except that someday all of humanity will enter a bond of brotherhood, were we will agree with one, were there will be no warfare, no battles and bloodshed. Who really knows who is the right religion, why can’t we just become one. We all pray to the same god. We just praise him in different ways.
There are many different things both of the authors talk about. John Donne was during the renaissance time, while C.S Lewis during the 1900’s. Over the centuries people have always pondered about religious texts, many different opinions have arisen concerning their meanings and significance. Even thought there have been many different opinions concern the religious text, the opinions have stayed throughout the centuries.
They both come from different eras but have practically the same issues. Religious issues seem not to change too much
Even though John Donne, may have one or two things like Lewis they also do have differences. Donne talks about for whom the Bell tolls, so who does it toll for? Donne say, “No Man is an island, entire of itself everyman is a piece of the continent, a part of the main if a clod be wash away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls it tolls for thee.”
People believe that every thought you make up is a segment of the world you see. Donne, through his essay says that the world is incapable of change because it is just an effect. Here you are changing the cause. Each of our perceptions is of our own attacks. In other terms when an error occurs, the world rest upon that. Everything happens once, that we just make it occur again just differently with our own attacks towards. Once an error happens it never occurs again, it just has a different affect on the world.
Donne also talks about the recourse to God and how we have treasure which we think carries no wealth when it does. Donne says, “If a man carry treasure in bullion, or in a wedge of gold, and have none coined into current money, his treasure will not defray him as he travels. Another man may be sick too, and sick to death, and this affliction may lie in his bowels, as gold in a mine, and be of no use to him; but this bell, that tells me of his affliction, digs out and applies that gold to me: if by this consideration of another's danger I take mine own into contemplation, and so secure myself, by making my recourse to my God, who is our only security."
The treasure that Christ gave us has been unknowingly covered over by the egos of treasure. Donne is saying that if it is worthless to us it is of no value to us. The true gift that God has given us that Donne talks about is the gift of love and peace which has unknowingly been covered by our ego treasures. The quote also tells us that if you forgot about your brothers recourse with good is away to remember them.
Lewis talks about how if you are a Christian you don’t have to believe that all other religions are wrong, but that you are free to think that the religions may have some truth to them. He talks about how he was once atheist and became a Christian with a more liberal view. According to some people there are two very different ideas on what they believe god is. The first group believes the idea that he is beyond good and evil.
The other groups just thinks that these are just human point of vies. Lewis says, “These people would say that the wiser you become the less you would want to call anything good or bad, and the more clearly you would see the everything is good in one way and bad in another, and that nothing could have been different. C.S Lewis point out we calla cancer bad because it kills a man; but you might just as well call a successful surgeon bad because he kills a cancer. It all depends on the point of view.
Social Conflict plays a big role in this, showing that there is inequality even with religion. Depending on how high up in the Religion status depends on how much control you have over society. It all depends on a few factors how much say you have in today’s society. They are money, power and resources. If you don’t have access to any of them you will have a hard time trying to gain something.
Consider paying rent towards your apartment. The relationship between the owner and the renter is unequal and favors the owners. Renters may pay rent for 20 years and still gain absolutely no right or economic interest with the property. While the owner has gained plenty of money, power and resources to spread around the nation.
Christianity is the bourgeoisie. The Bourgeoisie owns everything and has a big influence on how things go while. They had to gain their power from somewhere, they didn’t just get it. It took them hundreds of years. Why there aren’t any other religions that have a big influence on today’s society. The Christians have taken all the power, money and resources to keep other religions from taking over.
The Compare and Contrast of these to essays may seem very different. They both talk about how religion in itself is interconnected between everyone. They both talk about Christianity and the oneness of mankind and the difference the have between the two essays. They both bring out very good key points in today’s society.
Ok, so I just finished writing this essay at the time given. I started at 10:30. I will tell you this is a shitty essay. I hope she gives me a C. I would be happy. I was stupid to wait till the last day. But I thought I would post it and see what you guys think. The two essays are great, but writing about them isn't. Well, time for me to play with my kitten, then to bed soon.