whoa, hey. my website is finally back up on a new server:
& i'm not sure if everything is functioning properly because i haven't gone through all of it, but i'll get to it eventually. i like how i talk about this as if anyone gives a damn. heh.
so, yeah, i got in from inventory about half an hour ago. we started at 9pm and got out at 4am (which was an hour and a half before schedule), but Julie and i were bullshitting in her car for a bit. i slept until almost 5pm today, so don't feel bad for me.
anyway, it wasn't bad. at all. i was expecting it to be this god-awful experience, but it was almost enjoyable. everyone was pretty much doing their own thing for the most part, but we joked around a lot, and it went by pretty quickly (for me, at least). one of the guys from the inventory company was super adorable, so i told Julie that i thought so, and she decided we were soulmates because he sits in a weird position (she is constantly commenting on the way i sit). he finished up pretty early and left, which was sad, but of course Julie had to go and tell his boss (or whatever) about my "crush", and the lady totally sold him out and told me all this info about him AND gave me his phone number! hahahahah. i was like, "i would NEVER call someone like that!", so Julie swiped it and said she's going to call for me. crazy thing is, she'll probably fucking do it.
i counted one of his sections out and it was wrong. love. ahahahahaha.
but yeah, anyway, for someone with O.C.D. who assigns herself tedious tasks when she's bored, inventory wasn't too bad of a scene.
oh! i bought a new bag. it's fancy. the guts were falling out of the one that Heather gave me, which is sad because it was rad. it's okay, though, because this bag has a little cell phone pouch inside and it's roomy. like a Marry Poppin's bag. i will carry rabbits and salamanders in my purse and hand them to little children who beg their parents for pets.
Stacey and i came up with a storyline for a horror movie we're going to write and star in. it's about mall security turning into werewolves. truly horrifying stuff, man.
Justin was home on Sunday night, so we got silly and watched Saved!, which was pretty awesome. i have such a huge crush on Jena Malone that i can't help but love every movie she is in. ooh!
speaking of movies, my copy of Ripe came in the mail the other day, and i watched it the second i got it. i love that fucked up movie more than words can express. i'm still waiting for Intimate Relations, because i haven't seen that in ages, but i remember it being completely jerked. maybe it will come tomorrow. or, well, today. i hope so, anyway, 'cause i don't want to wait anymore. i want to see!
i feel like watching something.