(no subject)

Oct 24, 2004 00:19

[ 1 ] First grade teacher's name: mrs...abbelbee?
[ 2 ] Last word you said: inflate
[ 3 ] Last song you sang: evil by interpol
[ 4 ] Last person you hugged: hmm i dont know...
[ 5 ] Last thing you laughed at: the movie of the two dudes jumping off the roof
[ 6 ] Last time you said "I don't fucking remember!": er never probably
[ 7 ] Last time you cried: psh....month ago?
[ 8 ] What's in your CD player: interpol - antics
[ 9 ] What color socks are you wearing: black
[ 10 ] What's under your bed: nothing actually, my box spring sits right on the ground
[ 11 ] What time did you wake up today: 8 am...
[ 12 ] Current taste: taste like in mouth taste? popsicles...lemon lime
[ 13 ] Current hair: free like a bird!
[ 14 ] Current clothes: gray shirt, x-mas style pjs!
[ 15 ] Current annoyance: i am still limping from that cramp
[ 16 ] Current longing: nothing
[ 17 ] Current desktop picture: one of the windows background....the sand dune
[ 18 ] Current worry: i haven't done my homework and i dont plan to do it later
[ 19 ] Current hate: None.
[ 20 ] Current favorite article of clothing: pants are good
[ 21 ] Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: eyes
[ 22 ] Last CD that you listened to: er...interpol?
[ 23 ] Favorite place to be: home
[ 24 ] Least favorite place: School.
[ 25 ] Time you wake up in the morning: 6ish am.
[ 26 ] If you could play an instrument, what would it be: guitar, bass and drums, so i can be my own band
[ 27 ] Favorite color: orange and green
[ 28 ] Do you believe in an afterlife: Yes.
[ 29 ] How tall are you: hmmm...5'4, 5'5 ish?
[ 30 ] Current favorite word/saying: yeah
[ 31 ] Favorite book: harry potter
[ 32 ] Favorite season: wwinter
[ 33 ] One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: i dunno...

[[[ FUTURE >]
[ 35 ] Where do you want to go: england, new york
[ 36 ] What is your career going to be like: i dont know, i am toatlly screwed
[ 37 ] How many kids do you want: none
[ 38 ] What kind of car will you have: a really cool one

[[[ HAVE YOU EVER... >]
[ 39 ]Said "I love you" and meant it?: yes
[ 40 ]Gotten in a fight w/your dog/cat/bird/fish?: no!
[ 41 ] Been to New York?: no
[ 42 ] Been to Florida?: no
[ 43 ] San Diego: hahaahaahahahha
[ 44 ] Hawaii?: no
[ 45 ] Mexico?: no.
[ 46 ] China?: no.
[ 47 ] Canada?: no
[ 48 ] Wanted to be the opposite sex: no
[[[ RANDOM >]
[ 52 ] Do you have a crush on someone: yessir
[ 53 ] What book are you reading now?: Nothing.
[ 54 ] Worst feeling in the world: heartbreak, i guess
[ 55 ] What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: i wonder what time and what day it is
[ 56 ] How many rings before you answer?: i try to answer as fast as i can
[ 57 ] Future daughter's name: NOTHING
[ 58 ]Future son's name: noooo!
[ 59 ]Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: I have a teddy, though, I don't like stuffed animals.
[ 60 ] If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? professional billionare + in a awesome band
[ 61 ] Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous?:righty
[ 62 ] College plans: oh yes
[ 63 ]Piercings: ears...

[ 64 ] Do you do drugs?: no
[ 65 ]Who are your best friends?: matt, ed, kristy, steph, james
[ 66 ]What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use?: herbal essense
[ 67 ]What are you most scared of?: car accidents and fire
[ 68 ] What clothes do you sleep in?: pjs shirt sometimes a sweater
[ 69 ] Who is the last person that called you?: kristy
[ 70 ] Where do you want to get married?: no
[ 71 ]If you could change anything about yourself what would that be?: not as fat er...not as stupid
[ 72 ] Favorite number: 44
[ 73 ] Been In Love?: yes
[ 74 ] What Type Automobile Do You Drive: i do not drive an automobile!
[ 75 ] Are You Timely Or Always Late: pretty timely, it all depends on the bus
[ 76 ] Do You Have A Job: yes
[ 77 ] Do You Like Being Around People: sure
[ 78 ] Best feeling in the world: love or what i thought was love
[ 79 ] Are you for world peace: yes ver much
[ 80 ] Are you a health freak: haha...that is a funny question
[ 81 ] Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: no not really
[ 82 ] Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: yes.
[ 83 ] Are You Lonely Right Now?: not right now but alot yeah
[ 84 ] Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: i can only hope
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