Title: Tell her a story
Rating: G
Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo
Spoilers: Twilight, Kill Ari
Summary: Gibbs finds out about Tony's secret love
Author's Note: One of my all time favourites. Hope you like it.
When Gibbs opened the door he thought he was in the wrong apartment. He stopped the door still in his hand and listened. The soft tune was melancholy and sad. It sounded like a sad song written especially for those days which lay behind them. The music was low and yet full and strong. A light vibrato lingered through a long deep tone and it sounded like the shake in a breath when you cry.
For a second there was silence and Gibbs closed the door but before he was at the door to the living room another theme started. He found his feet not moving and leant against the wall letting the sad tune wash over him telling him the story of the last days.
First there was fear, for a second Gibbs wondered how you can translate a feeling like fear into music but whoever played the vibrating deep tune did exactly that. It changed into a light happy melody and Gibbs saw Kate standing in front of Tony with a smile on both their lips. The short loud high pitched tone let him nearly feel the blood spatter over Tony's face and it was followed by a long deep tone as clear as fresh morning air which went to his marrow.
The tune changed yet again into angry but still slowly before it fastened up and another short and loud tone finished the theme but this time it was dark.
There was yet another pause and Gibbs managed to get to the door. What he saw let him stop breathing. Tony stood in the middle of his living room turned half away from him. Pinned between his shoulder and his chin was a dark wooden violine. His long fingers wrapped around the neck as he started the melancholy theme Gibbs had heard when he entered the apartment.
Gibbs stood there watching Tony letting the violine take all his pain. Maybe he would never talk about Kate but he had this and somehow, on a strange way, it fitted him. Gibbs had been together with Tony long enough to see the similiarities between Tony and the instrument. Elegant, soft but yet strong and somehow fragile. Tony ended with the same deep vibrating tone and stayed in that position for a second before he slowly took the violine down.
„My teacher once said that the violine is willing to take all my pain."
He turned to Gibbs and his eyes were full of tears. He slowly waked over to the table and put the fragile instrument into its case before he turned back to Gibbs.
„All I have to do is tell her the story."
„Not only boats you call her. A violine is like a girlfriend, a lover. She always finds the right words to sooth your pain. She's always there when you need her. I wished I'd not only tell her sad stories."
Gibbs walked closer and Tony immidiatly turned into his arms.
„I'm sure once you'll tell her about your life and it won't be all sad. Once you'll tell her about Kate and it will be a happy tune."
Gibbs gently wiped a tear away that escaped Tony's eye.
„You ever told her about me?"
Tony laughed shortly and then grinned.
„Well, she's not old enough to hear x-rated stories. But I told her about somebody who really loves me, and who I really love. I told her that he always finds a way to reassure me without opening his mouth. I told her that he's my soul mate."
„Wasn't she jealous?"
„Dunno. Are you? She thinks you two could be a great team. You ok with sharing?"
Gibbs tightened his arms around Tony and planted a soft kiss on Tony temple.
„As long as you let me listen when you tell her a story. Her words help me, too."
Tony sighed and pulled away enough to kiss Gibbs softly.
„How about we go somewhere where you don't have to share me?"
Gibbs nodded and walked to the door. Tony put the violine case into the closet he kept it and looked at it before he closed the door.
„Good night, Kate."