So. The Following.
Is a show about a serial killer. Actually, a bunch of serial killers. Also there's some brief cruelty to animals. If you can get past that you will discover that The Following is really a show about being ambiguously gay and attracted to people you shouldn't be.
If you want to avoid spoilers, let me leave you with some key words and phrases:
- pretending to be in a relationship --> FEELINGS
- bisexual codependent threesome
- ladies in charge
- James Purefoy / Kevin Bacon
Ostensibly, The Following is about serial killer James PureSex Joe Carroll.
Ten years ago he was a handsome and charismatic literature professor obsessed with Edgar Allen Poe who murdered fourteen of his female students.
As will happen when you murder a bunch of people, he was eventually caught by FBI Agent Kevin Bacon.
Who had a weird and seductive cat and mouse relationship with Carroll during the investigation and later had an affair with Carroll's wife.
They (Claire and Joe) also have a young son. Named Joey, for extra confusion.
Anyway, after ten years in prison, Carroll escapes and the FBI call back ex-Agent Kevin Bacon to catch him. It's extremely cliche. The words, "no one knows him like you do," are actually used.
They catch Carroll and put him back in prison, but it's revealed that he has this sort of cult "following" of young serial killers who are implementing his master plan, and the FBI sets up a task force to find and stop them led by this fierce bitch:
Yeah, girl. Also, one of the other agents is Ice Man.
And that's your show. Sort of.
Like I said, the show is ostensibly about Kevin Bacon and James Purefoy having uncomfortable chemistry and FBI agents hunting serial killers. But really the show is about the bisexual codependent serial killer threesome that is Jacob and Emma and Paul.
They're three of Carroll's "followers" and they're the best. Except for the part where they're, you know, psychotic murderers. Anyway. Before THE PLAN went into action, Jacob and Emma were a couple. But THE PLAN called for Jacob and Paul to spend three years pretending to be a gay couple.
Which they were, um, really good at.
So, now THE PLAN has Emma and Jacob and Paul hiding out in an isolated farm house and everything is awkward and tense because they were only pretending to be gay no really but FEELINGS happened and they think Emma doesn't know but they are so wrong because Emma is the boss of them and she is not stupid.
And I don't want to spoil anything else but Emma and Paul both love Jacob and Jacob loves both of them but hates himself and stuff happens and it is so beautiful and everything I've ever wanted.
Except, again, they're psychotic.