(no subject)

Mar 07, 2008 19:44

I thought it might be fun to write up a list of things I would absolutely LOVE doing before I die and then cross them off as the years go past. And what more convienent than adding them to my LJ for reference. I probably won't have this list complete for a bit, so if you have any amazingly awesome thing that I just HAVE to do before I die, please leave it in a comment. :)

BTW, does anyone have a blogger? I like it better than LJ.

1. Balance in egg on a nail at the equator.
2. See O Cristo Redentor in Brazil in real life.
3. Go skydiving. Just to say that I did it.
4. Scuba dive off the Great Barrier Reef.
5. Ride a camel.
6. See the Pyramids of Giza.
7. Visit Washington, D.C
8. Become fluent in Spanish, and maybe Portugese as well.
9. Read Moby Dick without falling asleep.
10. Feed a Burmese Python.

11. Train police dogs.
12. See the Northern Lights.
13. Go dog sledding.
14. Walk on the shores of the Galápagos Islands.
15. Trek through the Amazon.
16. Run (or walk) a marathon for a good cause.
17. Own a therapy dog and make visits to the elderly.
18. Own land.
19. Write a $1,000,000.00 check to a charity of my choice.
20. Attempt to finish every book I have bought.

21. Wear a beautiful, large hat at the Kentucky Derby.
22. Learn how to make carne asada.
23. Carve Tom & I's initials on a tree somewhere. (I know, cheesy.)
24. Repay my mother the money I owe her.
25. Work somewhere where I am generally improving the lives of others.
26. Write a book.
27. Own a beautiful house with an American Flag flying out front.
28. Plant bulbs.
29. Visit the Great Wall of China.
30. Pick berries and make a pie.

31. Go on a safari in Africa.
32. Successfully grow vegetables.
33. Successfully maintain a saltwater tank.
34. Stand inside the Taj Mahal.
35. Learn how to make Eggs Benedict.
36. Be able to afford a photoshoot with Amanda Jones for Gunner.
37. Try escargot.
38. Eat Sushi in Japan.
39. Visit Japan.

40. See Earth from space.
41. Learn how to fly planes.
42. Visit Niagra Falls.
43. Visit the Church made of bones in the Czech Republic (Google it.)
44. Learn how to make wine.
45. Not eat chocolate for a month. (This one might kill me.)
46. Rescue an ex-racing Greyhound.
47. Become first-aide certified.
48. Donate blood.
49. Donate my hair to Locks of Love. (Check it out.)

50. Teach myself how to work Photoshop.
51. Buy an iPod.
52. List 101 things that make me happy when I am in a sour mood.
53. Volunteer regularly at the animal shelter.
54. Go to the Grand Canyon.
55. Build an awesome snowman!
56. Visit 10 local art galleries.
57. Take a flight in a hot air balloon.
58. Buy an awesome set of knives.
59. Start a blog where I add a photo a day for a year.

60. Start a photoalbum. Not online, a REAL photo album with photos you have to process and stick behind plastic so they don't get ruined. :]
61. Reguarly go on a brisk walk/jog with Gunner atleast 3 times a week for an hour.
62. Start pilates again.
63. visit chelsea in L.A. to see the spiritual garden, surf, and bask in the glorious sunlight while drinking lemonade.
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