Oct 08, 2007 22:45
* i;m having a ball
* ken fosters alive and well and sober, and calls me every day. nice. that, and the whole K. Foster clothing line. Sick.
* turkey dinners rule
* guppy is like yoda, but waaaay more stoney. he is my jedi hashmaster. soon i'll be a hashmaster. soon. (also, i helped make my very first batch of bubblehash. it was most satisfying smoking something i stood out in the rain to make with my own sweat and bud. haha. biggups to Ninja #1, Mr. Terryyaki.
* speaking of which, me n terry will be Canada's answer to Hifana. First stop - Roland HPD-15 and an Akai MPC 4000. holy fucking fuck fuck.
* shit, i didn't even mention ken's blackbook footage. four months in jail not only cleaned up his overall (out)look, its made his art 80 thousand times more insane than ever. hyperdetail coupled with lowbrow art concepts out the ying yang. i'm telling you, watch out for the first art show, prolly co-hosted by AM-Fresh and the like. Stylin.
* pics comin soon. i've been smoking so much THC. wow.
* my girlfriend is the best in the youknowverse. stupid fucking mexicano putos keep on texting her. wtf. its not her fault shes so goddamn spectaularly goddess-like and unbelievably hawt. no touchy-touchy, motherfuckers!!! : )