Times Up

Jul 27, 2007 09:01

In keeping stead with the Curry Point's brand new ketamine-free zone, the Phatcave 2.0 [aka The House of Panda],will also be a COMPLETELY ketamine-free useage zone for the rest of Time. There's been no ketamine in the house since last weekend, nor will be there any ketamine useage in my house for the future.

Its nice to see people finally smartening the fuck up, realizing they have a hardcore addiction to an extremely addictive substance, and ACTUALLY doing something about it.

And to those that still sell ketamine, I urge you to stop. Your fucking up our scene, and there doesn't need to be 10 000 k-dealers in town. This is a fucking pot head/acid head town, and I'm gonna do everything in my power to keep it that way. Fuck ketamine, its help me waste a good year and a half of my life, and I refuse to let it fuck mine and other people's lifepaths up.

So if yer comin over to chill, play videogames and smoke weed with me, please don't bring any ketamine with you and please don't do ketamine in my bathrooms. Thanks!

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