See I got hits kid,
so many hits, (how many hits ya got!?),
Exemplary metaphors, let me select a few,
More hits than when you play blackjack with a deck of twos,
More hits than latin percussionists administer to wood blocks,
More hits than Jimmy dropped at Woodstock,
(I'm not kidding);
I'm responsible for more hits than workaholic mafia hitmen,
I need to make hits in the worst way,
Hitting harder than a family of starving steroid injected Mexican quintuplets
Armed with crowbars smacking the shit out of a candy filled pinata -
(on their birthday);
Only hits when I write,
More hits than Germans surfing fetish websites,
Yo, that IS a lot of hits!
More hits than Barry Bonds playing slow pitch in a disabled seniors league
More hits than Goldopper The Enforcer on a typical hockey team;
Instinctively you wince, from this flurry of hits,
But if your still unconvinced;
A last example but then I'll be finished
More hits than Roy Jones Jr. in a ten round barefisted cage match versus
A sleep-deprived, blindfolded Richard Simmons...
Dj Format w/ Abdominal - "The Hit Song" (from the album "Music for the Mature B-Boy")