karma bites the school in the ass (again)

Jun 05, 2008 21:25

Okay so the students of Pascack Valley High School have reached an all time new level of dumb fuck retarded. They were caught distributing naked pictures of underage classmates- they are trading these pics like baseball cards... loading them on their laptops and phones. Now what got them in trouble was that they were using the school laptops (each kid gets one for their 4 years) and that is in violation of the school's technology agreement. Besides being illegal? I don't know what punishments are being doled out, but it just shows you what these kids are doing with these lovely expensive machines... taking pics of their tits and posting them for the world to see. Fucking dumb asses. Seriously- I-AM-SO-GLAD-TO-BE-OUT-OF-THERE!!! Now I know that alot of kids in high schools are taking pics and doing this. I know that it is popular to have no pride in yourself and shop your body around like a hooker. But when the parents get mad at the school??? really? Why don't you teach your daughter to keep her clothes on sir and madam? Why don't you teach your son that if he's going to distribute child porn to his friends he's at fault to? Turn the television off and teach your kids some morals 'cause they aren't going to learn them watching Sopranos or whatnot. Give the nanny the night off and hang out with your fucked up kids. Let them know that they aren't too fucked up and can change. Maybe ask them who their friends are. Check their arms and legs for cutting marks. Maybe tell them that "fuck you" is not a phrase you want to hear coming out of their mouths at dinner time. Or ever. Maybe remind them that they are 15!!! not 23!!! Maybe parents should be parents... like the good old days... and not friends. Kids have enough friends, but only one set of biological parents (and through divorce and remarriage they can have more than one set!!! yeah modern world)... parents should be parents. If I did something wrong I got grounded. Not sent to my room with my tv and internet ready laptop. That is not grounded, that is a regular night during the week only without a cell phone. Parents need to pull their heads out of their asses. Seriously. I don't want to raise my kids around these other children- because no one knows how to raise them these days. God people...

And why did I say Karma bites the school in the ass again. Well: the principal fell into a coma and died, and then the school budget fails. I bet this is one for the ages. I feel bad that Sapienza died, she was a very warm person, its good that this all happened after she passed. I think she would have handled it... but well... I am glad that those left behind have to deal with this juggernaut of a shit storm.

Its funny- when I starting working for this district I thought I would be working with and for cultured and highly educated people. Instead I am working with people so out of reality it scares the fuck out of me on a daily basis, child porn stars, under-age alcoholics, vegetables and coke heads. I mean this level of stupid should not exist. At all. I could never fathom that there could be this many fucked up people in one square mile. Yet there it is. It exists.

Ah. I feel better now. And I know no one will read this. No one cares. Your all too busy with your lives. I know. Lewis is in Miami and I needed to vent. This is easier than writing in my journal. And if you decide that you vehemently disagree with me, and I am totally full of it... you are either not part of this reality, you are on drugs, and you have never befriended a teacher in the trenches.

The End
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