
Nov 29, 2005 21:53

Moira returned to her above-the-clinic apartment before Sean did, thank goodness.
Her fears were a little bit calmed, a little bit increased.
But enough of that. She put on a brave face for Sean. Once he was here, it could become more than a facade.

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screamin_sean November 30 2005, 04:02:41 UTC
He wasn't far behind; he felt uneasy about leaving Moira alone at all. He dropped his keys onto the table by the door, closing the door behind him and deadbolting it (because you can never bee too careful, afterall). He still had his Glock on him, though it was at least more concealed than it had been.

He smiled, seeing her safe and in one piece. "Hope ye didn't miss me too much" he teased, greeting her with a kiss. "Anything new?"


ghostofmuir November 30 2005, 04:15:22 UTC
She perked up at the sound of the door and walked over.
"Dreadfully!" she proclaimed with a grin and a return of the kiss. "There's nae a blessed thing to report." Just an old woman's jumping at shadows. "Is it all right out there now?" Anything to keep the conversation off of her.


screamin_sean November 30 2005, 04:24:31 UTC
"Calmer. Not any happier, but things have settled down a bit." He kept an arm around her in a stance that was both affectionate and protective. "All the urgent cases seem to be taken care of for now." His free hand went to her shoulder "Are ye sure everything's fine? You're still tense."


ghostofmuir November 30 2005, 04:27:33 UTC
"Aye, there's nae problem." She paused, then looked at him. It wouldn't hurt to tell him about this, at least. Better for his own safety. "Sean, ye've seen through Mystique's Valerie Cooper act, have ye nae?"


screamin_sean November 30 2005, 04:42:02 UTC
He nodded. "I heard ye talkin' to her last night." He tapped his hear. "People always forget I hear nearly everything. The remark about the scar would'a given her away anyway" he ran a finger over the mark on his throat, the one Mystique had made. "If she threatens ye again, I'll kill her."


ghostofmuir November 30 2005, 04:48:23 UTC
She put her own hand next to his at his throat. "Me very own knight in shining spandex," she said softly. "But ye mustna do anything to put yuirself in danger." She pauses. "Och. Anything more than ye have constantly for hte past dozen years, I mean."


screamin_sean November 30 2005, 05:02:19 UTC
He grinned "I think I've gotten a bit too old for the spandex. But I'll still do everything in me power to protect ye" he assured her, taking her hand from his throat and and kissing the top of it. "Couldn't stand to lose ye again."


ghostofmuir November 30 2005, 05:10:50 UTC
She smiled. "Well, when ye think of it, every day we've had this while is one more than we should be any logic. We're pretty lucky." Before he could release her hand, she turned it, threading her fingers between his.


screamin_sean November 30 2005, 05:27:15 UTC
"I know I am" he murmmered, nuzzling into her neck and smelling her hair. "Luckiest damn man in the world" he added, whispering into her ear. "Ye have no idea how many times a day I thank God that I have ye back." Fingers of one hand curled at the base of her neck, playing with her hair while the other rested on the small of her back.
"Not letting anyone try to take ye from me again."


ghostofmuir November 30 2005, 05:32:16 UTC
"Och! Sean," she sighed, closing her eyes wrapping her arms around him. "I love ye...so much." And as he held her and said no one would take her away, for that moment, she believed him wholeheartedly.


screamin_sean November 30 2005, 05:39:43 UTC
He kissed her neck, his voice still just above a whisper "An' I love you Moira." His hand combed through her hair as his lips trailed over her skin to find hers. He still wondered sometimes if he'd dreamed all this, having her again. But right now; it was real. That was all that mattered.


ghostofmuir November 30 2005, 05:54:31 UTC
Her fingers gripped his back as her mouth met his. She felt warm and secure as he held her. They stood for a while, and she nuzzled against him and just enjoyed listening to him breathe.

Until....she drew back a little. Her 'stern" expression was half-serious, half playful. "I'm nae sure I like the sound of those lungs, Mr. Cassidy. Yuir pipe-smoking past might be catching up to ye."


screamin_sean November 30 2005, 06:06:11 UTC
Past? The pipe and tobacco were in his coat jacket as they spoke. He'd quit drinking and he still needed at least one vice. He had cultural stereotypes to uphold, after all.

He shook his head and chuckled "Is this an excuse to get me shirt off?" he teased, taking a playful, gentle nip at her ear.


ghostofmuir November 30 2005, 06:19:16 UTC
The sensual smell of tobacco would not persuade the consummate medical professional to truly admit a failure at getting him to quit.

Moira laughed, trying hard to prevent an actual squeal, as he went for the ear. "How dare ye dismiss reasonable medical concern as a clever ruse?" She asked, undoing the top button with one hand and great medical professionalism. "I insist on a more thorough examination immediately."

It was going to be a fun evening.


waxwontbeenough November 30 2005, 07:43:01 UTC
(("Me very own knight in shining spandex." BHAHAHAHA! I love you.))


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