Sep 27, 2005 11:07
Sunday morning Bryan, Phillip, Misty, and I went to the Paranormal Convention at Waverly Hills Sanitarium. The booths were set up in the laundry room which isn't even attached to the actual hospital. The hospital building was a lot less creepy than I had hoped, partly because of the historical renovation, and partly because I am desensitized to the whole idea from having worked in a care facility full of people with dementia. I can't watch Unsolved Mysteries in the dark, but walking into a room where someone has just died is no big deal. I had even prepared myself the night before by watching Session 9... There was a random screw driver lying in front of the Death Tunnel, so Phillip referred to it as the "haaaauuunted screeew driiiiverrrr" and that carried on for every inanimate object obviously left there by a tourist. We did take some really awesome photos of the outside, which I would post if Snapfish would allow.
The end.