Aug 25, 2008 19:41
Well, there was big news from the desert. Big news that was a total shock! Larry got tapped to go to a 3 week school back here at Colorado Springs and the commanding officer let him have a 3 day pass so he could fly into Atlanta! We got to spend 3 days together and it was great! The funny part was he flew in the day before our anniversary! So we got to spend our 16th together. Weird! but fantastic.
He is doing quite well at the school. Even though he will tell you he isn't. This particular class if for guys with one or two more years in service then he has. So he is in with a bunch of senior Majors and LT colonels. But he is holding his own! I could not be prouder of him. he finishes up this coming Friday. Unfortunately, he flies straight back to Kuwait this weekend after the school. There is a small possibility that he may have a few hours lay over here in Atlanta but we aren't counting on it.
But then we only have 6 weeks to go. He should get home around the 6 or 7th of October. Of course then he has to fly back out to Colorado Springs for yet another school for 5 more weeks. But we are talking that I might go out and stay with him for a little while.