
Jun 20, 2008 19:44

You Know Your Solider is Deployed...

You sleep with your cell phone in case he calls in the middle of the night

You get up in the middle of the night to check your e-mail.

You haven't shaved your legs in weeks

The mailman knows you because you are always out waiting for him to come.

You start paying close attention when the words "Military" or "Iraq" are mentioned.

You suddenly have an obsession with anything Military related.

You see someone wearing an Army, Navy, or USMC shirt and you get this overwhelming urge to talk to them.

You make friends with strangers online just because they are in the same situation as you and are the only ones that can truely understand what you are going through.

You can't decide what to wear when you meet him at the airport because his flight comes in at a rediculous hour in the morning and you want to look cute, but not too cute, because your cutest outfit you want to save for your first full day together.

You can't stand girls that talk about missing their boyfriends who live a few hours away. You just want to yell "drive and go see them then" because if you had the chance, you would jump on the first plane to go see your soldier no matter how far it is.

And all those yellow ribbons everywhere? Those are tied around your heart.
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