Mar 28, 2008 18:59
We had a very nice Easter. We visited a new congregation up on the north side of Atlanta: Embry Hills. It is one of the biggest congregations we have worshipped with. Sunday morning was over 300 people in the pews. They seem like a nice group of folks and I think we will be going back this Sunday.
We have a nurse coming to the house tomorrow to look at Larry for the insurance company. Its weird that they won’t just take the Army’s assurance that he is healthy. I hate the thought that we need this extra life insurance. Its like I am planning for him to die while he is overseas. But I know it really isn’t that. The Army has a group life insurance plan and it isn’t bad but this extra will cover us completely.
Its hard to blog when nothing exciting happens. This week life has been very ordinary. I went to Garden Ridge and bought some things for the house, Larry and I ate lunch together on Wednesday, the maintenance guys put a new thermometer in the stove, I went and got my hair cut. Just everyday stuff that doesn’t interest anyone.