Long post because I suck at keeping up with this.

Mar 26, 2009 17:05

 So I've been a bit sick for a few days now and yesterday was horrible.  I was doubled over most of the day and my whole body hurt.  By the time I had finished doing the things I had to do, it was 5:00 and my whole self was just drained.  I feel better today, though.  Just a stuffy nose and tired bones.  So anyway, yesterday I took Dumpling to the vet.  She's healthy!  Hooray!  She's not the best at going on walks, as she wants to turn around every 15 feet and go back to where we were.  Also, once she settles in a place (the vet's office, the floor of the back seat in the car, my bed) it's almost impossible to move her.  Also, she doesn't know things like "come" yet. We'll have to work on that.  I need to sign us up for obedience classes.

Lesse.  Being very sick yesterday meant that I watched like six hours of "Veronica Mars."  Pretty fun show, so far, I've got to say.  There was even a trans woman in one episode, and it was handled surprisingly well if brief.  Basically, no cheap laughs were had, and she was (quickly) presented as a Real Person.  Hey!  On that tip, the vet (on University and 6th) was great towards me as well.  Totally right on with "miss's" and "mommy's," and without even having to ask me!  So that felt great too.

So while I was lying all dead-like in bed yesterday, during hour 4 of "Veronica Mars," Pants started barking like crazy upstairs and wouldn't stop.  After like 5 to 15 minutes of that (time telling was hard in my state, and I could barely move), there came tons of banging on our front gate and then side gate.  So I finally got out of bed and there's a cop peering over the top of our fence.

Me (Grumpy):  Hello?
Cop:  Hi, I just want to ask you a few questions about the house across the street.
Grumpy:  Why?
Cop:  We just need to know if you ever see anybody go in or out of that place...criminals, drug dealers...
Grumpy:  No, sorry.
Cop:  Okay, thank you Sir.
Grmupy:  Miss.
Cop:  Oh, sorry.  Thank you, Ma'am.

So that happened.  And then there were six or so cop cars outside because they found a dead body from years ago in there or something.  Guh.

I wonder if the rest of my life will be filled with this fear and worry in the pit of my stomach worrying about Dumpling.  Is she okay alone?  Is she okay inside?  Outside?  With Pants?  Am I feeding too much?  Not enough?  Can she be alone for that long?  What if she doesn't want to go for a walk right now?  What if she does?  Is she sad right now?  Does she know that I love her?  Is she bored because I'm boring?  What if she gets sick and I'm not there?  What if I am there and don't notice?  And all the time, over and over and over.

Okay I'm going to go do some more work on my comic.  Two more panels and the cover to go until issue #3 of brain crease is done!
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