i would deffinitely sell you a painting... i will warn you that i do paintings a little on the morbid side... the last painting i did a couple weeks ago was a heart hanging on a noose... but yeah leave me some contact info and i'll stay in touch with you.
my band is in fact trying to come up with a logo... if you're interested go for it but i will warn you that payment will probably be a free shirt or something along those lines... but please, we'd loved to have you create something for us... we're also trying to create a font if you have the capabilities to do that... thanks for asking about that, i didn't even realize you had checked out our band... what do you honestly think of us?
lol, i didnt realise how stalkerish that probably seemed, i just saw the purevolume link earlier and checked it out
yall sound really good, though i probably would like to see lyrics to fully decide, im strange like that; but you do have a very nice sound
i wouldnt mind doing it for a t shirt; i would probably do it for free
do you know what sort of things you are looking for? like, a logo, made with a font, or a logo, and a font? the logo to be coloured or black and white? any preferred style/etc?
hey... random. is your band still needing a logo or whatever the site says?
yall sound really good, though i probably would like to see lyrics to fully decide, im strange like that; but you do have a very nice sound
i wouldnt mind doing it for a t shirt; i would probably do it for free
do you know what sort of things you are looking for? like, a logo, made with a font, or a logo, and a font? the logo to be coloured or black and white? any preferred style/etc?
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