Aug 03, 2008 16:39
So after traveling, coming back, getting to know staff better, even patients at the hospital, and taking diving lessons, i've been spending a lot of time with people at least 24-30+ and have not really been enjoying it. I always figured i'd like to spend time with more mature people, assuming they had more life experiences, insight, knowledge and a good concept of life. Yea they all relatively have these qualities, but in general, I really don't like anyone's attitude. At all. as people creep towards 30, they seem to become more accomplished and take what life has to offer, and forget how to be interesting or fun people to be around... They start to sound like, or are already parents, and the cycle repeats. If you're married, i'm scared of you. Honestly. If you have kids, and i'm not friends with them, stay 10 ft away at all times.
I still feel like a kid, and though I hate being with people much younger than me which is why i've never baby sat, I don't feel like I fit socializing with any life form more than 6-12 months apart from me. This is fucked up... because a lot of people my age are already talking about getting married, and are already finishing school. What the fuck? My life is time lapse. I'm not immature, but I still want to cherish being young. Why would you rush into life so it can wear you down living in a house with two kids, your wife, and the family dog, so you can drive your tercel to work every morning and come home to a nicely cut lawn in a nice neighbourhood where everyone does the same thing as you and has fences between their property and yours and blinds shut on their windows.
I will never get married. I won't have any kids before i'm 35-40 (and only if i have consumed every experience in life except having a kid). I will still be able to have fun as a wrinkled and frail senile (let's hope i die beforehand).
I mentioned in an earlier post that I met two guys at a laundromat in Montreal. I couldn't see myself imagining more contrasting characters. One guy was a southern France frenchy. you know, the typical buzz cut slim stature, ears sticking out and stuck up attitude with a tad of violent behavior in public. The other was a quebec frenchy with long hair and hippy attitude. Didn't care that he was working overtime, he sat with me on a bench outside and sorted through brochures while talking to me for an hour about books and culture. While this is happening the french guy inside is kicking washing machines and scrubbing the floor swearing in french. Unfortunately, most people tend to be like this character, and not like the guy who treated me like his best friend. I felt like I should go back and visit him next year, but who knows if he'll be there still. I get the feeling that people like this don't go stale. He was 30, and had more life in him than most people 8 years younger.
Anyways there's my rant.
Scuba diving is fun. I just wish I had someone fun to dive with. Diving is also fun because you can't hear people talk, making it peaceful, and adventurous. I went 30 ft under in the ocean today and when I finally sank to the bottom, felt like I was in another world. Found an octopus den with victims on his lawn, schools of fish, scattering crabs, huge sea stars, and other tide pool stuff, coolest was a jelly fish the size of my thumb nail in front of my goggles that i didn't notice until it was a few cm away. It twinkled like little fireworks were going off inside it's body. Lots of skills mastered like carrying unconscious divers out of air, taking off your mask and taking out your air underwater, and stealing someone else's, but most hilariously doing underwater push-ups without your hands. Sorry I don't have pictures. My watch is even barely resistant to that depth. Also everything is colorless that deep.