(no subject)

Feb 05, 2010 17:27

Unlimited supply begets unlimited demand.

Animals consume with impunity. Their population starves down to sustainability, strengthening their stock, or down to extinction. Conservation is genetic. The religious mania that grips people in a belief that what is here remains here is a truth proved lie in our own lifetime.
Unlike the other animals, humans cannot consume with impunity for their consumption very often salts the earth - we will starve down to dust.

We could achieve anything with unlimited resources, it is said, but we have barely achieved anything with the resources we have because we refuse to recognise them as limited. We build cities and machines and glass and steel on the backs of starving and diseased peoples. We create items that bleep in casual announcement that thousands of people died. We listen to slave music without irony. We ask ourselves in the tv every night "please, for just a dollar a day…"

What virtue is there in the goods of selfishness.
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