Mar 30, 2009 09:48
We listened to The Lonely Island CD all the way to Kalamazoo and back* and it still hasn't gotten old for me. There aren't many things that I can listen to for like a month and a half straight without getting tired of it quickly. Although I think that I listened to Tenacious D for months and months a few years ago as well, so maybe comedy CDs have special properties.
Anyway, the campus at WMU was great. All of the profs I met with were interesting (and interested in ME!), and I would get my own little office and a class to teach. And Kalamazoo actually doesn't seem like the boring hell-hole that everyone I talked to beforehand described it as. It seems nice and cozy, and for what we pay in rent here we could rent a fucking three-bedroom HOUSE there.
When I told the owner of the cafe that I work at that I am almost certainly going to go to WMU instead of U of M, she asked me if I thought that a degree from there would be "as marketable."
First of all, obviously, if I'm 30 years old and working in a cafe, I'm probably not THAT ambitious when it comes to amassing capital. If I made decisions based on what kind of money I could make in the future, I wouldn't be in the social sciences at all, nor would I have married some dude who didn't even own a car or a kitchen table.
It's all about creative freedom. I would have so much creative freedom at WMU! It's a small program with a lot of social support for its doctoral candidates. At U of M I feel like I'd just be shuffled through a program in order to get a brand name degree.
Now all I have to do is tell my dad that I won't be attending his alma mater.
*I think "to Kalamazoo and back" is an actual saying? Like "From here to Timbuktu?"