maybe I'm all messed up

Sep 22, 2008 09:40

First thing in the morning I get to my office and there's an e-mail from Trent Reznor asking me to take a survey about nine inch nails. So, uncaffeinated and still a little bit sick, I stumble over to the website and am just filling out all the basic blah blah blah stuff until Mr. Reznor has the audacity to ask what your (my) favorite NIN song is. Dude, what? I was so stumped that I decided to remove myself from the situation for a minute and think about it on the way to the mail room. I mean, it's a very important question.

My favorite NIN song used to be Ringfinger, which is a song that everybody else hates. It's still one of my favorites, but I think that the way it was phrased in the survey made everything sound so final that I just couldn't commit to it as my one, singular favorite NIN song for the rest of my life. The one that I'm going to grow old and die with. Which is ironic because the song's about commitment (a promise carved in stone, deeper than the sea...).

Doubly ironic because I instead went with The Only Time, which is... if not about cheating, at least about promiscuity.

Surveys are pretty interesting. When you're creating a sociological survey, you have to also create a consent form for the survey participants to sign. The consent form's purpose is to make the participants aware of any possible dangers or benefits of what they're about to undergo. Benefits can be bribes (in this case, you got the option of downloading some exclusive video) or they can be something as simple as "learning more about yourself." However, learning more about yourself can actually be one of the dangers, as well, if the survey forces you to think about things that you'd rather not, and you get all sad or worried or something, you poor thing. Oh, so anyway, what I'm getting at is that this survey forced me to examine and admit to the fact that my three favorite television shows are apparently:

The Two Coreys
Celebrity Rehab

I do not believe that I was adequately informed prior to taking this survey that there was a chance that I would have to undergo the pain and suffering of realizing that I'm a Phillistine.

Anyway, I should probably do some actual work now, but it's hard because I had an epiphany last night about what I want to do with the rest of my life. (hint: it doesn't involve survey research.)

sociology, music, survey

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