HAHAHA - It's Yuletide! Guess I've gotta find my LJ login...

Oct 03, 2017 21:59

It's not even a joke anymore. Literally, the only thing I use LJ for is when I once a year update write my "Dear Author" letter for Yuletide... I'm honestly just going to cut and paste, since a lot of my requests are the same, there wasn't a lot on the list that I was super interested in (although did you see that A Complete History of the Soviet Union...? That was awesome!)

Dear Author,
You rock unknown author person! Thanks so much for writing for me! Yuletide is my favourite time of year~ I love getting random fics and I hope that you'll like writing in my prompts. Please don't think that my cutting and pasting huge chunks of this from previous years is in anyway a reflection of how excited I am for Yuletide or your gift - it's just that at this point I know what I like - and that's what I liked 3 years ago ;)

As a general statement I really, really like fluff and happy things. All of my prompts can have comedy and humour elements and I'd really appreciate it if they did. Laughter (and fandom) is what makes life not suck! I love reading about people coming together as families, friendship, being nice to each other and people (and authors) having fun. Animals, pets, people bonding over pets, cooking (but not cooking the pets) and knitting (potentially for pets) are also appreciated plot points.

I AM ALSO A HUGE CROSSOVER/AU JUNKIE. I love seeing how people interpret characters in new ways and novel situations and I would be totally cool if you wanted to add crossover/au elements to ANY of my prompts. I would request that you crossover with another series that I know (feel free to look at my AO3 bookmarks to see), but that would be totally awesome, like WOAH. AUs, magical realism, alternate histories and fourth wall breakage are all totally cool (and brilliant!) as well.

Regarding romance, I am always happier to read about the relationship build up than I am the sex, so I would appreciate it if things stayed in the G>T range (leave space for fandom!Jesus please). I am totally cool if you want to push things higher to allow for adult language/action (maybe even some heavy petting), but I'm really not a fan of PWPs. I would much prefer a fic about the characters hanging out and watching movies than them making a porno (unless it was ridiculously adorable!).

Serious squicks for me are dubcon, non-con, assault, bullying, embarrassment, gaslighting, bestiality, and politics. I am pretty picky about my pairings (I mean who isn't?) so I would ask that if you are thinking about romance and it's not for a pairing that I mentioned, please make it G or open for interpretation.

Regarding character diversity and re-interpretations, heck yeah. LGBQTAI it up. Make up new racial identities. Why not Rule 63? I'm totally open to you playing around with this too.

If I had a magical power it would be summoning; cause then you get a ton of friends with crazy ass magical powers. Not sure if that's useful, but I'll leave that up to you :)
Now for the prompts!

Campaign (Podcast)
AHHH!! It got accepted! I would love, love additional bottle episodes of our favourite trash lords and their bumbling adventures through the galaxy. I am particularly a HUGE fan of Lyntel and Bacta (<3 <3 <3) and would love them trying to corral the rest of the Mynock crew into doing something constructive (Like not making awful choices; 'Hi, I'm Leenik *$&^#ing Geelo'/ The card says 'sex.criminal' lady) or maybe them spending a well earned day at the spa with Nemo or waterpark with Tamlin. Or maybe they all have to break into a highschool for reasons!
Inclusion of the Evil!Campaign crew and all side/secondary characters is welcomed as well (with the exception of Jacinto Reth *shudders*)! OMG I'm already so excited!!
Please Gen to T - I'm not a big fan of any of the romance plots getting serious (although Zero/Blue - yeah ok). The Mynock!Family is pretty much my OTP for this series.

EOS 10 (Podcast)
I would love fic about the "day in the life" insanity that is so often alluded to in this series. I mean Ryan doesn’t just spend his whole down time sitting in his room now with his cat, right? And not just 'cause that's an awful place to hide from Levi. I am a HUGE fan of the creepy adorableness that is Nurse Johns. Really anything with this cast would be much loved. Regarding relatioships, I am particularly partial to Ryan/Akmazian, since whoa, especially if it’s brought about by interference help from nurse Johns or Levi.
I would also be happy to see what life is like for the other people on the ship, I mean - Ryan now has a cat, is there a vet on the station? How do you register an illegal pet so you can take it to the vet? Is there a groomer on board? Is that a lucrative side business that Levi might try to get into?
Please Gen to T, unless it’s Ryan/Akmazian (then it’s all good!).

OMG Frankenstein, yes. Just that, YES. I would love fic just dealing with a typical day for Frankenstein at school and trying to balance being the Principal with his various roles supporting Rai (and everyone else). Like, what do the teachers at the school think about the new guards? About the new students? I mean we’ve seen Pedro, but there must be other teachers who work at that school and some of them must know something weird is going on (seriously they all know what's going on).
My preferred characters are M-21, Frankenstein, Rai and Tao, but Shinwoo’s gaggle are also welcome additions.
Gen to T rating is appreciated (no smut please).

I would love to see Poirot and his little grey cells go up against some of the villains or heroes from other mystery series (or in general). A Poirot AU or crossover please! Feel free to look through my bookmarks for other series of note! But particular series of interest would be Maurice LeBlanc (Arsene Lupin), Terry Pratchett (Disc World), Star Trek: TNG.
Gen to T rating is appreciated (no smut please); Please no romantic pairings between the Poirot characters.

Again thank you so much! I hope you have fun writing for one of these prompts and I can't wait to see what you come up with :D
Happy Yuletide!!

yuletide, #ing, fandom, fanfic

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