I intend to gather my thoughts on that at some point but I think I'd need to watch it again. I mean, my evening:
Look for download. While looking for download, come across passive aggressive tweet that says "I can't believe _________" (_____ for innocents lurking on this entry). Groan and hit self for thinking putting "Being Human" on Google in time-order was a good idea for finding a download. Find megavideo. Internet connection is so shitty that I have to watch for two minutes and then wait five every time. Lather, rinse, repeat. Eventually realize I'm really fucking tired and just want to know the circumstances of said _______. Skip to last two minutes. Sort of stare at it. Realize I am meant to be bawling and that I am even less human than Mitchell, probably. Go to bed.
I feel like this might have been my evening's fault, not the show's? Jury's out.
Personally I'd say it was your evening. The episode is one of those climaxes when any sort of 'actiony' stuff gets taken care of way before the end. It is all about the characters and the... intensity of the episode, for me, came from feeling everything that had been building up character wise through all of the seasons coming together. Annie and Leah, Mitchell and Herrick, George and Mitchell. For me it was a strangely beautiful episode.
Don't worry, I didn't cry either, I think I was too satisfied by the rightness of the whole thing and impressed by it to cry.
I hardly ever cry over movies/TV. I'm universally known as the heartless one.
I don't know, I'm probably going to wait a little bit--I've got a lot of emotional stuff going on in my real life right now, and I don't know if I quite have the capacity to get emotional over TV right now, if that makes sense.
But I'm sure in three weeks, I'll be having the big emotional reaction and everyone will have purged it so throughly that they'll just want me to shut up. This is the way things tend to go...
Love your icon, by the way. I'm American, EVERYONE knows how I feel.
Like with Being Human for instance. Last episode killed me in a good way.
I intend to gather my thoughts on that at some point but I think I'd need to watch it again. I mean, my evening:
Look for download. While looking for download, come across passive aggressive tweet that says "I can't believe _________" (_____ for innocents lurking on this entry). Groan and hit self for thinking putting "Being Human" on Google in time-order was a good idea for finding a download. Find megavideo. Internet connection is so shitty that I have to watch for two minutes and then wait five every time. Lather, rinse, repeat. Eventually realize I'm really fucking tired and just want to know the circumstances of said _______. Skip to last two minutes. Sort of stare at it. Realize I am meant to be bawling and that I am even less human than Mitchell, probably. Go to bed.
I feel like this might have been my evening's fault, not the show's? Jury's out.
Don't worry, I didn't cry either, I think I was too satisfied by the rightness of the whole thing and impressed by it to cry.
I don't know, I'm probably going to wait a little bit--I've got a lot of emotional stuff going on in my real life right now, and I don't know if I quite have the capacity to get emotional over TV right now, if that makes sense.
But I'm sure in three weeks, I'll be having the big emotional reaction and everyone will have purged it so throughly that they'll just want me to shut up. This is the way things tend to go...
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