What's going on with people these days...it's crazy sometimes.

Apr 25, 2006 03:36

Okay, I want some input here, so comment on this. In the course of only a week, I've heard so much crap about a variety of things. Some people just need to ease up a bit and not give as much of a damn about stuff. It's one thing to care about someone or something, it's completely another to shut down to all else or spread havoc when it is contradicted at all. I'm glad people come to me with stuff, and I'm glad if I can help when they ask, and I will continued to do so, but sometimes theres just so much easier things that could have been done. Can't people put a little more thought into things before they do them? I mean really, so much can be avoid if one thinks before opening his or her mouth. Things you say have repercussions and so do your actions. Be careful what you say and do. There are many that don't and then there more issue later. Now I know there are people reading this and thinking "That's referring to me". Well, I got some news for you...YOU'RE WRONG. None of you know what other people have to say to me and much of the time there is similar stuff. So don't think I'm referring to you, and this is no reason to stop talking with me on things either. I just want to know if people see this in a similar light when it's put in front of them and not in reference to his or her particular situation. Now please let me know what you think. I'm looking for opinions and input here, so there's no need to be getting all hostile and stuff. Is the drama becoming too much of the rule rather than the exception? Are people over-doing some stuff? And, lastly, isn't it possible that sometimes, despite what you know, that you are in fact the one who is wrong? And if so, would you want, for example, me to inform you on that when it came up or would you not take that well and flip out causing more drama over the same damn thing? I know this turned a little rant-like, but rest assured that it is not, so please don't take it to be one. The problem with text and writing is that the tone and feel of things isn't always transmitted well, and I am not a professional who is perfect with that. That being said, comments and input please.
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