Daiquiri and his relationship with women persons.

Aug 11, 2007 00:27

Daiquiri and a woman friend:
D: yo.
W/F: yo.
D: wanna go out with me?
W/F: nope.
D: oh. that's cool.

Daiquiri and a close woman friend:
D: so are you sure... cause i'm relatively good-looking.
W/F: yep. i [insert reason here].
D: that's cool... are you sure you’re sure?

Daiquiri and an older woman friend:
D: you're cool, i'm cool.
W/F: I can agree with that.
D: we should be cool together on a date.
W/F: that's cute. How old are you again, little man?
D: ...

Daiquiri and a woman friend with a boyfriend:
D: so you have a boyfriend?
W/F: yep. it's awesome.
D: i love people with boyfriends or romantic partners of the aforementioned or opposite (and/or ambiguous) sex!
W/F: that’s nice.
D: this means that i can hang out with you without fearing i'd become attracted to you in the near future, scaring our relationship before it develops into a mutual well-meaning friendship. To celebrate, let's hang out!
W/F: i'm busy today.
D: tomorrow?
W/F: i'm with my boyfriend and/or romantic partner of an irrelevant sex.

Daiquiri and his current relationship with woman-born friend:
D: i'm not going to like you, because i cherish you as a human being and don't want my nonreciprocal feelings toward you obscure this special relationship betwixt us.
W/F: i like you.
D:  i like you, too!
W/F: I know.
D: … i don't know what to do. i never got this far.
W/F: time will figure it out for us.
D: alright... awesome! ... I'm going to tell my friends! we're going to hang out. but i'm leaving soon so let's hang out even more.
W/F: are you trying to manipulate me into feeling or being something in regards to you that i am not?
D: no... i don't think so... i like you a lot.
W/F: oh god, you're lame.

Daiquiri and his relationship with a lesbian person:
D: you're cool.
W/F: yeah...
D: i think you're awesome, not because you're a lesbian of course, but because you're an awesome person who just happens to be a lesbian person, which is still very fantastic. Support!
W/F: ok...
D: that's all... you awesome person.

Daiquiri and his relationship with a lesbian friend:
D :so it's great. Because i don't develop feelings for women with boyfriends or romantic partners of an irrelevant sex and lesbians. so i can friends and only friends with you because my body processes this information and has special guard against stimulation from the strictly unavailable person.
W/F: alright?
D: so... what do we talk about?
W/F: i don't know.
D: ...lesbians are cool.

Daiquiri and his relationship with a closer lesbian friend who he's found things to talk about with and moves on to a different subject:
D: so, i mean, do you have any advice... on meeting women? because i mean, you'd be the person to ask. you come from both points of view, i mean, you're a woman person. so you know what it's like to be a woman person, of course in the general context of our environment and culture, because you wouldn't know how it is to be an older woman person or a woman person in china or a poor woman person, but can offer some insight on possibly the general feelings a woman person might have in regard to being one seeks a relationship. and also you're coming from the point of view of someone who wants a relationship with a woman person.
W/F: there are no secrets and if there were, i wouldn't tell you.
D: that's cool. but i'm not looking for secrets because that'd be a horrible thing to say, that there was some technique impervious to the socio-economic, ethnic, and religious differences between individuals who happen to share the fact they are designated female by the dominant culture, implying that there was an essentialist qualification for womanness and that qualification had to do with the romantic/sexual qualities of this "woman" in regard to a partner different from that of men, for if it wasn't different from that of men, wouldn't seek you as an expert but any individual with experience in this field of inquiry.
W/F: so what are you asking for?
D: i don't know, tips or something.

Daiquiri and his relationship with a woman person smarter than himself:
D: So… I’ve been really into McLuhan lately.
W/F: he’s alright. I just finished reading Badiou.
D: Not Badiou! You’re considered a learned person if you understand Badiou.
W/F: If you think understanding Badiou automatically makes you’re a learned person, or that such a thing truly exists in the information age, you’re not that smart.
D: I… I’m still cool.
W/F: not really.

Daiquiri and his relationship with a woman person much shorter than himself:

D: wow, you’re very short.
W/F: I know that.
D: Shortie, shortie, shortie

Daiquiri and his relationship with woman-born friend continued:

W/F: statement of distress.
D: seemingly profound statement.
W/F: Refutation of the statement.
D: desperate attempt to re-establish credibility.
W/F: Refusal.
D: Attempt to impress.
W/F: You do not seem yourself until we meet and you relax.
D: You can trust me.
W/F: I cannot.

Daiquiri and his relationship with his mother:

D: I need money.
M: get a job.
D: I need time.
M: you had time.
D: I love you.
M: yeah, whatever.

Daiquiri and his relationship with Donna Haraway:
D: Oh! Oh! Oh! Donna Haraway!
DH: …
D: it’s you! It’s Donna Haraway! I love you!
D: You’re awesome!
DH: …Relativism is a way of being nowhere while claiming to be everywhere equally. The “equality” of positioning is a denial of responsibility and critical inquiry. Relativism is the perfect mirror twin of totalization in the ideologies of objectivity; both deny the stakes in location, embodiment, and partial perspective; both make it impossible to see well. Relativism and totalization are both “god tricks” promising vision from everywhere and nowhere equally and fully, common myths in rhetorics surrounding Science. But it is precisely in the politics and epistemology of partial perspectives that the possibility of sustained, rational, objective inquiry rests….
D: that’s what I’m talking about!

Daiquiri and his relationship with http://www.magnumad.com/adm/photo/1040_web_MCS_afghan_girl_NYC5958.jpg:
D: I heard you were orphaned when the Soviets bombed your village.
AG: Who are you?
D: There is something urgent in your eyes. Then. Something is different now. Something is still the same.
AG: I have years, many years, we have years, many years, and we have suffered. Why are you here? To stare… and then ignore us?
D: You were only six when they attacked.

Daiquiri and his relationship with http://iusbpreface.files.wordpress.com/2007/04/kevin_carter.jpg:
D: What happened to you?
G: It is not like it changes anything.
D: We wanted to help.
G: You did not help enough. You did not help soon enough.
D: I…
G: You have no defense. See my bones. See my arriving death. And then leave? Leave me here?

Daiquiri and his relationship with http://www.mindfully.org/Pesticide/2006/Agent-Orange-Vietnam1aug06.jpg:
D: You gave birth to him.
W: Yes. Yes, I do.
D: And I am part of that which did this to you.
W: Yes. You as a political being, you as an economic being, You as…
D: What was it like the night of his birth:
W: a historical being, You as a
D: What does he say?
W: What do you say? How will you respond to this?

Daiquiri and his relationship with Juliana Dogbadzi and Sister Dianna Ortiz:
D: You have been through so much.
JD: Yes, we have.
D: And still you’ve found so much strength.
DO: What else could we do? What else could we do?

Daiquiri and his relationship with http://www.inminds.co.uk/sabra-shatila-dead-girl.jpg:
---: Don’t say anything. You care more about her than you do us.
D: I cannot deny this.
---: You promised us you’d give us something but you forgot about us and instead spent all your money on gifts for her.
D: This is true.
--- : What kind of person would do that?
D: This kind. This kind.
---: All misfortune your kind deserves.
D: I agree.
---:You’ve done enough. Don’t bother us with your hypocrisy.

Daiquiri and his relationship with woman-born friend:

D: I want to give you what I am.
W/F: The other gap prevents this.
D: I will destroy this gap.
W/F: You are foolish. An overzealous imbecile.
D: I will destroy this gap.
W/F: I only put up with you because I’m lonely.
D: I will make you un-lonely.
W/F: Make? Make?
D: I’m sorry.
W/F: Make? Make me un-lonely?
D: I thought this was what had to be.
W/F: I am pleased you got me gifts.
D: You make me see the world in new ways.
W/F: Make? Make?
D: I am anew.
W/F: Make? Make?
D: I want to hold you.
W/F: Make? Make?
D: I am never alone anymore when I think of you.
W/F: I am alone.
D: I know. We are.

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