Hypergraphia 2.0

Jul 25, 2007 22:36

Well to begin with, I have a feeling of failure. All it amounts to failing.

The easiest one to explain is a feeling of guilt. I live a good life. I am happy in general sense. Many people are living horrible lives because of uncontrollable bad situations. And I feel no matter what I give, it will never be enough to redeem myself. I mean, what possible gift could I give the world that makes up for the years and years of resources I’ve consumed and the money I’ve given to ruling class interests. And in a way, I know it’s a silly feeling. But at the same time, it seems to be calling me. Saying “Daiquiri, save the world.” I await specific instructions but either feel they are inadequate or that I’m unable to complete them.

The second feeling is a feeling of insufficiency. I like the way that word sounds. If a charcoal worker in brazil  So I guess in a sense it’s a popularity contest which makes me angry. But also it’s not because of how the world feels after learning these new things. It feels bigger. That you and the world are more. And I know that someone is living in a bigger world and is more, feels and thinks more than I do. told me that he felt his life was not as valuable or worthy or significant or beautiful as an academic at oxford, I’ll tell him that’s ridiculous. But I don’t feel that way about myself. I feel I have a responsibility to learn and know as much as I can about certain things. And that I’m always failing to know enough/be enough. Which is a pretty standard feeling amongst people. I read a bit of someone summarizing baudrillard said, and I’m thinking I want to learn these things as a sign of privilege or for their symbolic value. I can live a happy live without understanding Badiou, but I can’t stop wanting to even though I know that in the end I feel all of these ideas and theories are absolutely wrong.

But it is social acceptance. I’m sure many monks know more than I do but I don’t worry about their eyes.

It’s like I’m on trial. That I’ll be sentenced if I don’t do things correctly.

Kind of a third thing. A-. I’m very jealous. She is very intimidating. Many people are, you included. But somehow it’s different. Maybe because she’s closer to my age.  I don’t know. But it’s the feelings above but in an immediate way. And she called me her friend and I was fine with everything until something happened. Talking w/ people online is very different than in person. All of a sudden I care what she thinks and I want to impress her and it’s very silly I know. And she wants a friendship but I can’t give it back or know how much to give because of what should be the third thing.

Friendship: I don’t know anything about it. It’s very odd and strange to me.

I always have something to write and say, and by the time I get to the paper it’s gone. By the time I speak to someone about it, I already feel different. So, like most people I’m sure, I have an entire world I am unable to share. Which might be the worst thing of all.

I feel worst of all when I think about a girl I met named jade. I didn’t know her for long, but was introduced to me by a-. And j- is smart and creative and such. But I felt that her and I connected. I was able to tell her my ideas and thoughts, enthusiasms and she had the same. I felt it was something that belonged. We had lots in common. And she liked me, which was very odd and strange because the feeling of someone liking me back is very… bizarre. I’m unused to it. And so I thought. Oh, maybe for the first time I’ll have a girlfriend (which I don’t know if that term works because j- wants a surgery to become androgynous so she wouldn’t really be a girl, which she isn’t, she’s a woman but not really?). but there was miscommunication, etc. and things didn’t work out. And I feel bad about that. I feel like I failed a great thing. She was lonely, I was lonely, she like donna haraway, I liked donna haraway, she was interested in technological metaphors in a landscape resembling circuit boards and so was i. I felt awkward with all my relationships with women, especially as I became more interested in psychoanalytic feminism, but she said it was ok because I was transgender and she was transgender so it didn’t matter.

I’m going on too much. Basically, I made mistakes I’m unsure of and we’re not talking. All of the problems happened online. I am beginning to think I should watch out for that. Anyway, since I met her things have changed. I feel that I’ve been called and I must respond. I’ve kept this great distance and all of a sudden I’ve been touched, that I’ve been told that this is real. So it was a ridiculous infatuation. I was as she said too “eager and overweening”. But I constantly feel that things aren’t over. But they are. That I should do something about something I can do nothing about.

This is long.

Umm… yeah. Now these would be normal problems that I would just dismiss or use conventional answers to solve. I mean, I know the usual answers and responses. And I can create my own answers and responses that appear adequate.

But the things is jenny, the thing maybe you can help me most with… is that reality has been permanently warped for me. I  develop a personal philosophy for myself and then I learn about “actual” philosophy. My personal philosophy is full of holes and it makes giant leaps and leaves many unanswered questions. I find myself unable to stop criticizing things. I feel that everything is wrong and that I should call it out for being wrong but I don’t have the language or knowledge. And that I am wrong but don’t have the language to communicate why.

Reality. So I do a silly thing. I take ideas from various places that I don’t finish reading up on. And create structures with them. And I begin to believe them. I shouldn’t be so arrogant to believe I know more about reality than another person but…

Ok. So a big problem is I can’t communicate the actual problem because a lot of it involves my personal philosophy on things, which is something ever changing, and there’s no one to answer that. some people wouldn’t understand. I think you would understand what I’m saying and since you know MUCH more about philosophy then I do, you’d tell me how wrong I was and I’d be happy. Because I’d know what I neeed to read and fix. The thing is I’m embarrassed to come to someone like you because either I am being something like humble and feel it’s not worth your time, or something like arrogant and feel you wouldn’t understand.

And it contradicts so much. Ok. To show you what I mean, I don’t believe in a self. In people. I don’t believe people exist. I don’t believe in free will. I don’t believe in reason or logic. I think that reason is bad or limited to a certain sphere. I believe the world manifests the way it does because of certain techniques and technologies present. I don’t believe in science. Basically, I’m trying to escape culture to discover how things really are.

But I live in a culture. I am conditioned with many ideas and assumptions. I believe people exist in bodies with brains. That science is real. That logic works. That there is such a thing as a man and a woman. That I have some kind of free will.

And I keep jumping back and forth between them. I feel after I met jade, the abstract world ruled over the conditioned world. And I know I have a responsibility to this one but I am more connected with the other one.

So I feel that a good philosopher could solve my problem. But the thing is I keep appropriating things into my own view, so when I read someone like hegel, I feel I disagree with him just because I’ve played devil’s advocate so long I don’t know how to keep a constant system… and so I feel more at home with postmodernists… but they speak in such complicated ways and have years of experience and training and reading… so I can’t understand them the way the should be. So I have to start my years of experience and training and reading. But the question is what do I do now? I’m not a philosophy major. So I don’t have the courses. I’m very new to everything, so I’m very naïve. And have lots of questions and no way to answer them….

And I find myself very bias and arrogant at times. Very judging. Though I try to be very understanding and unconditional and accepting. And humble. Though I say saying that I try to be humble because it doesn’t sound like true humility…

So I feel the people who can answer my questions will not speak the same language. And the people who can’t answer my questions are living in a different world. Not to say the people who can aren’t living in a different world…

So I’m asking you. With more years and experience than myself. To kind of point me in a direction. I refuse to accept existentialism because my body doesn’t take it, like it doesn’t take chocolate milk. I’m an anti-realist unless you convince me otherwise. I don’t believe in ethics or morality but I’m trying to convince myself to because I obviously act as if I do. I don’t believe in a self, so the authentic self isn’t a favourite idea of mine, though I am flexible in moments of desperation. I try focusing on one things, like how technology affects the way we live, but I am distracted by another thing, like solving poverty/politics, and then by another thing, trying to understand Kierkegaard. So I think I just end up trying to incorporate everything…

But my major is not everything. It’s anthropology and women’s studies. So there’s the voice in my head that is telling me I need to make a living with whatever I do.

So there is much to do and places to go and I don’t know where to start or how to stick to them because I want to do them all.

(i change personas in different environments, with different people. casually... looking back on this i see the words "hot philosophical women" and i feel ashamed. it's me, but it's a clip, a fraction. it's as true as when i say i'm not interested in that at all and what a horrible motivation for study. both are true. it's not choosing one or the other, which aspect of myself i shall deny. i wanted honesty, i give honesty.)

GiJew37: aye aye

HexZeroBleu: hey

Auto response from GiJew37: a billion candles

HexZeroBleu: i'm overburdened

GiJew37: 2:30 hours of manual electrical work

HexZeroBleu: sounds fun

GiJew37: is a lot harder than 6 hours at a normal job

GiJew37: not really

GiJew37: four of my fingers dont have skin on them

GiJew37: ive been standing in the same position for hours

HexZeroBleu: but the new skin will be like iron hide

GiJew37: my neck is completely stiff

GiJew37: no

GiJew37: the new skin comes

GiJew37: and is ripped off

GiJew37: just the same

HexZeroBleu: you know how a machine feels

GiJew37: ive been doing this for months

GiJew37: its impossible to get calluses

GiJew37: i should send her a message

GiJew37: now or

GiJew37: tonight

HexZeroBleu: tonight

GiJew37: good, good

HexZeroBleu: now i wonder how i'm going to become a decent... familiar

GiJew37: ?

HexZeroBleu: i don't know. there's a lot of philosophy out there

HexZeroBleu: and i'm so far behind

HexZeroBleu: and too excitable

GiJew37: 1.

HexZeroBleu: 2.

GiJew37: most philosophy doesnt matter

GiJew37: if youre skeptic enough you can shoot down half of the other philosophies

GiJew37: i just listened to hume lectures the entire time i worked

HexZeroBleu: yeah, but the stuff that seems to matter needs a lot of pre-reading

GiJew37: about skepticism

GiJew37: that's true

GiJew37: who matters

HexZeroBleu: but arrogance

HexZeroBleu: has never been a friend of mine

HexZeroBleu: and i'm too arrogant, dismissing whole schools of thought

GiJew37: batteries

GiJew37: i am too

GiJew37: but i dont do it without good reason

HexZeroBleu: like existentialism. it's like chocolate milk, i don't want to digest it

HexZeroBleu: pshk

HexZeroBleu: good reason

GiJew37: its just as logical and statistically plausable

HexZeroBleu: doesn't deconstructionism warn against that

GiJew37: as another school of thought

GiJew37: i dont know what deconstructionism does or really care being that it destroys itself

HexZeroBleu: it can't destroy what it can't define

HexZeroBleu: there are hot philosophical women


HexZeroBleu: that know this stuff.

GiJew37: yes.

HexZeroBleu: how can i get a hot philosophical women

HexZeroBleu: if i don't know this stuff

HexZeroBleu: like i have devot hours to learning about ~~~ hegel

HexZeroBleu: and i'm not even a philosophy major

HexZeroBleu: and knowing that in a hundred years, some asshole is going to say something that contradicts whatever i find out

HexZeroBleu: i'm much for bringing on an apocalypse

GiJew37: well daquiri

GiJew37: what can we deduce then

HexZeroBleu: there's baudrillard, deleuze, spinoza, futurism, deconstructionism, postmodernism, etc.

GiJew37: what these women eblieve will be contradicted in hundreds of years

GiJew37: so theyre wrong right now

GiJew37: so theyre only hott because you think theyre right

HexZeroBleu: yeah... but they don't know that

GiJew37: but you do

GiJew37: so fuck them

HexZeroBleu: me knowing that

GiJew37: find yourself a good horny girl

HexZeroBleu: doesn't get me a girlfriend

GiJew37: who will please your penis in ways

HexZeroBleu: pshk

HexZeroBleu: i want someone that can put me in my place

GiJew37: this is true

GiJew37: still

GiJew37: you dont really need to read philosophy to know philosophy

HexZeroBleu: pshk.

GiJew37: find a nice math or physics major

HexZeroBleu: i am anti-science

GiJew37: ive seen computer science majors

GiJew37: own philo majors

GiJew37: just because theyre more rational

GiJew37: philosophy is not some secret

GiJew37: so we take time to read it

HexZeroBleu: pshk. philosophy majors

HexZeroBleu: aren't philosophy graduates

GiJew37: it doesnt mean we have a crazy affinity for the unkowable

HexZeroBleu: aren't baudrillard

GiJew37: hmmm

GiJew37: well

GiJew37: i must go to the bank

HexZeroBleu: go to the bank

GiJew37: to deposit my 1,500 scholarship check

GiJew37: =D

HexZeroBleu: and cash in your exploitation

GiJew37: ill call you on the carride there maybe

GiJew37: to tell you why im right

HexZeroBleu: pshk you can try

GiJew37: mk

HexZeroBleu: i think i'm looking for

Auto response from GiJew37: a billion candles

GiJew37: oil

GiJew37: for a lincoln town car

GiJew37: 1992

HexZeroBleu: oil spews from your mouth

HexZeroBleu: i think philosophy may be a type of priveledge value thingy baudrillard talk about

HexZeroBleu: that i'm still a consumer

GiJew37: philosophy is

GiJew37: trying to figure out what everything is

HexZeroBleu: no

GiJew37: wittgenstein almost killed himself

GiJew37: over something making a V symbol with their fingers

HexZeroBleu: it's just constantly analyzzing

HexZeroBleu: there's nothing to figure out

GiJew37: do you know why

HexZeroBleu: ?

GiJew37: there was no logical base to the action

GiJew37: and all his work on logic was in vain

GiJew37: imagine daquiri

GiJew37: you thought you had been right

GiJew37: for years

GiJew37: and eight hours each day for years

GiJew37: finding out more and more about this thing

GiJew37: then over you seeing something a teenager should have seen

GiJew37: you MISSED it

GiJew37: pwnt

GiJew37: wittgenstein got pwnt

GiJew37: theres a wittgenstein movie i was to watch

GiJew37: want*

GiJew37: made in 89

GiJew37: it looks badass

GiJew37: the guy who plays him looks exactly like him too

HexZeroBleu: maybe a relative

HexZeroBleu: philosophy is a bad idea

GiJew37: philosophy is the only reason stuff has been done

HexZeroBleu: and has become something trying to make up from the agricultural revolution

GiJew37: its philosophy sometimes until its made into science

HexZeroBleu: stuff being done is not good

GiJew37: haha

GiJew37: says your ethical code

GiJew37: which is no better or worse than mine

HexZeroBleu: i don't think a butterfly

HexZeroBleu: has any problem with the world

GiJew37: i dont think a butterfly views the world like us

HexZeroBleu: which may be a good thing

HexZeroBleu: because if they did, they'd commit suicide and start wars

HexZeroBleu: and have butterfly powerplants

HexZeroBleu: and forget what butterfly was all about

GiJew37: exactly

HexZeroBleu: so we're better off not thinking

HexZeroBleu: but we can't do that


GiJew37: its better to sit and do nothing

GiJew37: than wage wars

HexZeroBleu: because someone started thinking before us and made us do it

GiJew37: what if the final human tragedy is boredom

GiJew37: and humans fear eternity

HexZeroBleu: an eternal boredom

GiJew37: so were not bored when were humans

GiJew37: YES

GiJew37: gtg

HexZeroBleu: the thing is

GiJew37: cya

HexZeroBleu: pshk

there are more letters that has mysteriously disappeared

the internet... is a strange... not visual. acoustic. everywhere. more than one place more than one person more than one identity.


6. The electronic media (telegraph, radio, TV, and now the Internet) have decentralized life and turned the world into a global village. They have had what McLuhan described as a "retribalizing" effect. The boundaries between "here" and "there" have been obliterated. We see, read and hear what is happening in the world all the time, all at once. Something happening a continent away from us feels just as relevant and important as something happening in our own neighborhood. A "friend" on television will be just as important to us as a "real-life" friend. The person we instant message on the Internet will "matter" as much as someone we just met at a dinner party. And so on.

7. The only way not to feel alienated in the new media environment, McLuhan said, is to understand what is going on in the present, to be keenly aware of one's environment. Most people, however, do not do this: they live in the past. They suffer from a "rear-view mirror" mentality. Their thoughts and feelings belong to the preceding generation (we've all met people who are "still living in the 1960s or 1980s," still talking about former presidents, the "good old days," the innocent past)."

"the computer and the internet will once again reconfgure the brains of those that use them. Typing is a two-handed activity that requires input form both sides of the brain. WRiting requires only the dominant hand. The use of a mouse b the right hand nececssitates the activation of right-hemispheric visual-spatial skills. The world wide web and the internet are not linear, they are holistic."

and now i'm very detached from whatever's going on. what am i typing? i don't know. I know that i feel differently about someone that i am not supposed to (not allowed) to feel differently about... why?

"I feel clean! My whole body is a'quiver with cleanness!"


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