Finishing University

Oct 15, 2011 16:39

It's been a busy few months. Every crisis of events I reach seems to be merely bumbled through without arresting destruction or resolution; but things are definately changing.

The paper I mentioned in June has been accepted, my primary success; the practical side of my PhD has ended without disasters or significant further discoveries. The thesis I'm beginning to seriously write rests on a simple idea handed to me in 1st year; an indisputably valuable, verified and developed idea, but only one. I'm beginning to recieve interveiw invitations, but receiving advice for my supervisor to apply for less demanding instrumentation jobs rather than synthesis. I probably need to relearn four years of taught chemistry before my eventual Viva; my working efficiency and, consequently, engagement with God are almost as low as they've been.

Which isn't to say there aren't good sides to living at home in Bristol again while I write up. But I still have the feeling from the last three years of a falling man before he hits the ground. As I've said before, things can't go on like this. I'm well into the stage where I need to be making a lot more problems for myself.

As well as the PhD, the endings of the comcs Scalped, DMZ and Northlanders have been announced. An independent comic shop within walking distance is something I'm going to miss about Loughborough University, as well as the Well church and everyone there. I'm quite content about the Drop-In Centre, old-people's reading group and Gaming Society continuing uninterrupted without me.

I haven't taken a holiday this year, and should be going to Greece with Phil in a few weeks; as usual it was his idea. Pranesh still wants me to visit him in India, but I've no idea how prudent it is to spend the money. The real world isn't here yet, but it certainly is a lot closer
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