
May 12, 2011 23:54

After a bit of stress, I've passed my Taekwondo black belt. It doesn't mean I'm any better than I was, (not brilliant) but it's a confidence boost and something to build really solid technique on for higher black belts. That's assuming I can find a good Taekwondo club wherever I work when I leave Loughborough.

The point where I was planning to begin my thesis has passed, partially for want of data, partially from large amounts of work to do right now and motivation troubles. With five months the situation isn't critical, but as ever, I can't carry on with confidence unless my pace increases.

I've waited a bit to post until I had something positive to talk about, as I've been in a bit of a blue funk on and off over the last month, mainly due to work and the grading. I'm feeling a bit better now, but still rather burnt and short of energy for work.

Eldest younger brother Harvey managed to get a care assistant job  last week, quite happy for him.

news, phd

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