Sep 16, 2007 20:49
I've been horrible at being here. So here's a quick rundown.
1. Pdx was amazing. I fell in love. I thought I loved Seattle, and probably still do a tad more....but Portland is where the sights are set. I think it fits parts of me better.
K has began the application process with AI.
I've made riding the Max my point of zen.
I have my paperwork for certification transfer, but I'm waiting because I need my sup's is that?
I have about 300 pictures to upload and I still need an external drive before I upload.
2. Work this year is already kicking my ass, but I know in the end it will make me a better teacher. Parents: be active in your child's life. Have expectations you are verbal their teacher's ass isn't kicked.
3. Fall is kind of setting in and I can't wait to bake. For my 30th bday gift I asked Kieran for cupcake pans that I can't wait to use. I have my hopes set on keeping most of the baking organic and vegan.
4. The non-cable thing is still working. woo hoo! but i have a feeling it will be rid of once the colder weather sweeps in.
5. My new dream jobs include:
1. Getting PAID to bake yummy, cool cupcakes & make uber awesome crafts
2. Getting paid to teach teachers how to implement technology
3.Getting paid to design a hand held device and software for educators
4.Getting paid by a company like whole foods to do staff training and/or educate parents about healthier food alternatives that fit realistically into life.
5.Getting paid by cities to make abstract picture postcards of their city.
....if you can help guide any of these...i love you.
6. This week's lunch prepared: lentils, rice, eggplant, tomato, garlic, zucc's and some marjoram for good measure. EASY!
other than that. all is good. I have my eyes set on goodies I want. I miss music, but there will time for that soon.I hope.