Mar 23, 2007 19:50
Is it rainy? Are you bored? My kids had fun with this this week:
Change the density of a raisin...
Raisins in water
Insert several of alka seltzer tablets....wait.
Raisins go up and down. Watch them dance!!
(for more longer result do vinegar and baking soda)
They also took a 6-12 inch piece of tin foil and 2craft sticks. The challenge was to make a boat that would hold the most beans and/or marbles. can get complex.
I have a ton of papers to grade this weekend.
I also must get the new LCD Soundsystem- it's getting very good reviews.
I also must upgrade my phone out of the electronic stone age.
I really want something fancy dancy, but I also know I'd be kidding myself.
Some money has come my way which means it's finally time to ink some more of me. This will happen by the end of the school year.
Who knew that transferring my certification would be such a bizotch. The people in Maine are very helpful and patient though.
It's hard when one pours so much of themselves in a job and then another state comes along and questions your reliabilty...talent...knowledge. That's the hardest part, but I know they want the best for their kids.