[OOC] Schedule!

Aug 23, 2008 17:06

I probably should have done this a couple weeks ago, but hey. I'M DOING IT NOW that's almost as good, right. :(

At the moment, I am on Japan Standard Time. That means I'm 13 hours ahead of EST and ... less than that for the others. I am still struggling to parse the fact that my prime hours are now the wee hours of the morning for the rest of the game. Go me.

WITH THIS IN MIND, here is my tentative schedule:

Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM (7 PM - 4 AM EST) is happy fun work time! I have internet access at work, but it is incredibly slow and intermittent, seeing as how I ... do occasionally have to work, and all. I can also only log into one journal at a time, and I can't use IRC at all. Gchat soooort of works, but it's also extremely dodgy and difficult to work correctly. So. Really, the best way to reach me at work is to send me an email. :|d

Weekends: Usually free! I generally go to bed around 11 PM (10 AM EST) and wake up 8-9 hours after that, so I'm around in the evenings, nights, and early mornings. Afternoons are generally a no, since those are my prime sleeping hours. If you see me up that late ever, then smack me okay. :|

Best Time for RP / Posts / Planning / Whatever: I am always free in the wee hours of the EST morning, if you can manage that. In fact, I'd love to run a morning post sometime. ... but obviously this doesn't work for most people. :( EST evenings are generally only available on weekends, and then only if I don't have something going on. Which is going to be fairly common, considering all the school activities and stuff I'm soon to be involved in. :|a So basically, it's mornings from here on out, unless you can catch a thread with me at work or pin down a weekend for me to do stuff with you. If you tell me in advance that you want to run a post, then I'll happily put it on the calendar o/ Otherwise, you'll have to wake up early if you want me to run and/or co-run anything.


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