[OOC] Icon Policy

May 17, 2015 12:02

Okay! I have spent a very, very long time making these icons. Just ask my castmates, sooob. They had to put up with me the whole two months I waited to app him. CFUD also has this tendency to have its icons ~mysteriously show up~ on other character journals, with no credit or note or anything. I know they're just icons, but I would rather upset if that happened to me.

... however! I am all for sharing my icons with other people. Especially if I know that you're using them. And I know there's at least one Watanuki player out there who's asked to borrow my icons. ILU Panda~ So here's the deal. If you want to use my icons, you may! But I would ask that you a) credit this journal somewhere (preferably in the icon comments, if only 'cause that's where I look first), and b) drop me a line here saying that you're using them. Heck, I'll prep a .zip file for you so you can have them all in one shot, if you like.

Hopefully that didn't sound too ego-y. I just want to share! And not have to be angry at people.

reference, ooc

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