blame it on the goose

Apr 21, 2009 02:27

today was my mom's 69th birthday. please, no jokes. you're gross. we went out to dinner with my brother and his wife and my uncle. craig and robin thought my mom was 62, and michael thought she was 66. what?! anyway craig is hilarious and I love seeing him because we always make fun of each other and exchange critical eye contact. the waitress said her name was farrah and he looked back at her like 'what?' and I caught him and he caught me catching him.

the dinner was nice though and after that we came home and watched some angels and man I laughed so fucking hard at the episode with the exorcism where the mom asks angel's name and he's like "I'm angel. angel jones." hhahahah god. this show is getting better and I'm glad I'm sticking it out. I know that can't be the end of doyle though right? right?! don't tell me. also, spoiler alert. oops. I can't get the angel theme song out of my head. my stepdad loves to play the organ and he's the type who can hear a song and then just play it, so I joked to my mom last week that he should start working on the theme.

so I'm pretty much back into my regular gym routine. the weather was nice saturday so no one was there, which was awesome. I was in the wellness center though and two freaky extras from the hills have eyes were both on ellipticals as well and when they got done the fat one was like "GOOD BURN!" to me as he was walking by. what about me makes strangers feel like they can say anything to me at any time? why does everyone on earth want to talk to me?! the other one had a mental patient haircut where the top front half of his head was shaved. like imagine he was wearing a headband, and someone just took a clipper to all the hair in front of the headband. he at least didn't speak to me but when the only other person in the room left I was kinda nervous that they would do something to me. I made it out ok though. it's cool because I can feel my muscles getting harder and every time I stretch my thighs I'm impressed with how solid they feel, albeit underneath some flab yet. pretty soon I'll be able to crush a man's neck in my thighs or whatever it is people with toned thighs do. however I'm certain I'll never know what it's like to have thighs that don't touch. that's just weird (unless any of my lj friends have this and in that case it's totally cool and normal and what's it like to not have your jeans wear out there first?)

sunday I went down to philly to do hair. I cut the second littlest labuda and I can't stop gushing about how cute he was. he actually sat really well through his haircut and the only reason I don't do them at work is because I think they should be $500. I don't mind when they're well-behaved though and finn was really good because he was watching dora videos on an iphone. one of the videos was just screen shots of dora with "twinkle twinkle little star" playing in the background. at one point he sang along in the tiniest voice and it was so cute it almost took my breath away. the baby wasn't there though. last time nnamdi and I were there, I held her and she smiled at me a bunch and later I asked nnamdi if I looked weird holding a baby and he said yes!

after that I went to roxy's which is always a fun hang and needs to happen more often!! emily got a cool fauxhawk and we tried to make roxy's hair brown but it's probably already red! I ended up getting home by 10:30 and couldn't fall asleep until almost 5 because of drinking some sweet tea.

my nightmare for tonight is that I'll get into work tomorrow and all my people will have cancelled. I'm busy tomorrow too! but maybe I can sneak out to get my nails done since my man is coming to town thursday!
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