May 06, 2007 13:57
So yesterday Jessica graduated from Rheinhardt College. That morning I thought I was running late because some ass was parked behind my car in the parking lot. Of course there was a space open right next to me, but since he was only going to be gone for a minute (20mins) he decided it'd be easier to be an asshole than to use a free parking space. I called Jess to let her know and she said that her family wasn't leaving until 9ish anyway. Thank god. At 8 am I left to go meet up with her family and we all drove together in a mini-van with about 7 people inside.
The place of the Ceremony was a gym. Jess' mother had our tickets and presented them to the attendant at the door. "1,2,3,4,5,6,.... There are 7 tickets." Romona: "Yeah, there are 7 of us" The woman counted again. "1,2,3,4,5,6". Romona "There's 7". Woman doesn't bother to count again "Okay, 7, go on in." Why all this confusion? I was the only white person and she kept looking around for another brown person. It was actually pretty funny.
Zell Millner was there. He introduced by saying "I know you all didn't come here to see me," but made a 30 minute speech anyhow, with a lot of' 'Jesus is why you're successful' type of stuff. The room was really quite cold despite all the people crammed in it. When Jess walked I had such a swell of pride. That girl has tried her ass off. She put forth so much effort her whole life and she now has something substanstial to show for it. I yelled out "You are awesome Jessica!"
After the presentation of the diplomas and release of the people from the sardine prison of the extremely cramped hallway, we went outside, met up with her father, and walked over to the psychology /sociology luncheon. There we ate, met Jess' favorite teachers, and her boyfriend. It was pretty nice.
We all drove back to Jess' house (there were now 9 of us) and while she took a nap (and everyone else left). Jr. & I went to Wally-World to deposit my check. Her bought her Marie Antionette (the movie) and some mints. Once we were back home it was boring. All the games were in the room with Jess, and she was tired and all napping so we didn't want to go in there and bother her. The solution? Call Peter.
We went back to Wal-Mart to meet up with him. For some reason we had walked into an alternate plane of existence because Peter just couldn't find us, nor us him. Then there was a lightning storm or some crap like that and the worlds merged. He was found behind a display cart.
Peter was shopping for his cousin's 10th birthday. He bought her some nice gifts. Then he bought some candy. Well, good bit of candy. Awesome candy. Jr. took me out to the McDonald's while we were there and I totally ate a double cheese burger and fries! After we left Jess awoke so I picked her up and we all went over to Peter's house to play Donkey Konga & Super Monkey Ball. It was awesomely fun.
Once Peter kicked us out at 7, we went back to Jess' house to meet up with her family again so that we could all go to Red Lobster, Jr's treat. I gots me some crabs (legs) and a Pina Colada. Jess got sauced offa her Cosmo. Our waiter was rather rude and didn't really offer good service. Still, it was a lot of fun. When dinner was over we went back to Jess' house (to rest off the drinks). She was going to her dorm to pack and have sex with her young boyfriend.
That was my queue to leave. I went home and went to sleep on the couch after a hot bath. It was a good day.