Title: Caution to the Wind
Prompt: # 90 Caution
Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Liz Lemon/Gretchen Thomas
Rating: PG
Word count: 250
“ “Pete we need to talk. I need help…I think Gretchen is turning me gay.”
“Excuse me?”
“ I bet Twofer that after a month of mixed signals the Lesbian Queen would give up and just come onto you. I knew she’d pull through for me.”
“ First of all there is no mixing and there are certainly no signals, I am a transmission free zone. Secondly, you lose your bet, Gretchen has been a perfect gentleman.”
“Then what’s the problem?”
“You know those dreams I used to have?
“The ones with Tom Brokaw?”
“You’re not having them again are you?”
“Kind of. Except now Tom is called Gretchen…and there’s a lot less serenading and a lot more sex”
“What do you want me to say?”
“Well if you stopped laughing that would be a good start.”
“I just have to laugh or I’ll cry”
“I’m sorry Liz, it’s just your problem is clear - stop being such a prude and get laid woman”
“I just wanted to say thanks Pete. I took your advice, threw caution to the wind and slept with Gretchen.”
“ Excuse me?!!!”
“Like you said, I needed to get laid…”
“Yeah, I meant with a man!”
“We were talking about a woman!”
“ I thought we were talking about Tom Brokaw…”
“Do you ever listen when I speak?”
“Not so much. You know Liz, that probably wasn’t the best way to convince Gretchen you’re straight.”
“I’m beginning to realise that now…”