Jan 04, 2005 21:02
Concern and stuff.
Right. Like she even gave a rats arse whether I was here or in another dimension or dust in the wind. Started to answer her back with another quip but cut myself off. Started again, even managed to raise a finger to point at her but the words just wouldn't come out. Fact was I worried about her, more than anything she could ever know. Too many ways to lose love in this world, and she and I seemed hellbent on finding every last damn one of em.
Hell of a pairing, two of us. Course we weren't exactly paired now where we? She figured I was a fake. I had the memories but something was holding me back. Keeping me from showing her how I really felt. Should just go, get out while I can. Find Cordy and tell her she could keep these soddin memories, shove em right back up her tanned bum where they belonged. Frell.
It was all about the slayer either way. Instead of slipping out or saying something smart, or slamming the door on my way to a bar I sat for a while. When I was sure she was asleep I paused over her bed, hoping like hell she wouldn't hear. "Love you Slayer."
With that I headed for the door, intent on sneaking off before any witches or other assorted scoobies could spot me.