Into the Future - Permission Post

Feb 07, 2015 00:04

SO HERE'S THE DEAL. Labrador is a precog; this means he can see the future and make prophesies. For the sake of Somarium, he is only allowed to see things I have MUN PERMISSION for him to see. It can be anything--from what they'll eat next week, to a huge player-run plot.

If you wish to give me permission, please leave a note here, detailing what Lab might see. It can be as vague or clear as you wish, and as with most things, he won't often be able to predict everyone's choices...or will he necessarily tell anyone outright unless he desperately needs to.

Have at!

ETA: I FORGOT TO MENTION. Labrador (and all of the Ghosts) can see the 'color' of souls. He can tell if someone is demonic or their soul is damaged, but he gets no reading on power level. SO MENTION THAT TOO. orz.

*permission, *ooc, labrador is not a magic eight ball

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