digging deeper

Mar 19, 2006 20:42

Originally published at AlMoSt DoNe. You can comment here or there.

I’m trying to get deeper into it, but I still have a lot to learn. I’m definitely not the born blogger and all this options are not much self explaining. Is anyone out there who can give me some advice. I will have to read more of the documentation.

What I did today …
  • Set up the Fanfiction page
  • Burned some stuff on a DVD to get more space on my HD
  • worked
  • wrote a couple of lines
  • fixed some points at Featherlight Mind PLUS added Chapter 2 of Devilishly Good Ep. 2

I need some coffee!!!!

If anyone knows how to deal with the links in here - pleaaaseeee - let me know!

general, english

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