Some random thoughts and *whatever*

Apr 30, 2006 10:27

Originally published at AlMoSt DoNe. You can comment here or there.

They’re gonna air House in Germany (it’s actually called “Dr. House” then) starting May 9th on RTL ( 10.15 p.m.) I’ve watched a couple of episodes when I was in L.A. and I really liked the show - so I’m definitely going to watch it … if my forgetful mind doesn’t abandon me. *sohopeiwillremember*

Then I did some textures I published over on my Livejournal. I’m going to add all the stuff here later … maybe … till then - if you’re interested - you can get it at my DA account…

d o w n l o a d @ my DA

Live long and prosper!

stuff, german, rl - real life, english

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