Sex on TV

Jun 29, 2006 07:52

Originally published at AlMoSt DoNe. You can comment here or there.

Reading all the new spoilers on N/T I’m getting a little bit disgusted with all the sex theme. It’s not a general thing - I’m not prudish and I’m also fine with driving it to the edge a little, but man, their going too far basing everything on abnormal relationships with both the doctors.

Where are the good old days when they had tons of other stories on their minds - like I miss my Startrek:Voyager so much. They were gorgeous. Or Quantum Leap … Pretender … Mission Earth … even Angel which I gave a good long rerun on my DVD Player recently.

I’m not able to stay up to date with all recent shows but I’m desperately looking forward to season 3 of House and I still have some Bones episodes to watch *cheers*

And finally: If it was not for Julian, I’d most likely not watch Nip/Tuck … at least not that regularly.

television, english

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