A new tv show season is rising

Sep 05, 2006 22:51

Originally published at AlMoSt DoNe. You can comment here or there.

I’m excited. Today is Nip/Tuck Season 4 about to start … and House Season 3. I’m addicted to House - more than I am to Nip/Tuck - in another way of course. It’s less sex (hard to believe *lol*) but more story, a lot of medical terms and a scruffy, grumpy anti hero - love him. Then there is a new show about to premiere today after house - Standoff. If I can get hold of it I’m gonna give it a try as well. And , yeah, Bones startetd last week. I’m not done with season 1 due of a lack of time but what I saw was great. I like Angel … uhm … David. I’m sure I could find more if I try.

Then I just discovered that Amazon.com has season 1 of The Sentinal - an absolute MUST HAVE. But this will have to wait til next month or so. I also just found that Amazon.de raised the prises for the StarTrek Voyager boxes back to about 90 Euro after they had it for about 70 Euro 2 month back. This is mean! I only have 2 seasons so far and I love that show and need those boxes.

Enough of that boring stuff…. I need to watch TV

general, television, english

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