New Design - once again

Feb 01, 2007 09:35

Originally published at AlMoSt DoNe. You can comment here or there.

I have a new design. I found the original one at Livejournal - will have to credit the person who made it somewhere here, just have to find her name. I loved the clean look and instantly managed to make banner that I fell in love with - somehow.

We had a terrible weekend. Mozart, my dog, was sick… really, really sick. He almost died. I refuse to think more about it. Vet said she thinks it was rat poison. Thing is I have no idea how he could have get it - and it might still be somewhere out there - so I’m worried to the core about the other dogs as well.

It began on friday morning when his diarhea turned into blood and he also started vomiting blood - almost out of the blue. We took him and rushed to the vet but he was already very week. However - she was lovely, took all the time to treat Mozart and after a very exhausting weekend & monday he started to get a lot better. He’s even developed a better appetite than he ever had. We really, really hope that he’ll get back to normal soon.

rl - real life, english

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