Happy belated New Year

Jan 04, 2007 09:51

Originally published at AlMoSt DoNe. You can comment here or there.

I know I haven’t written in a while but I think I’m going to try and change that.. I mean I’ll try and post more often *lol* First of Happy Belated New Year everyone.

I’ve been busy lately with online and offline stuff. We got ourselves a nice little and cheap extra tv set so we can use it for our playstation.
. Further I got me 3 Spyro games. I love this little dragon. One game already arrived.

This is this one. I started playing yesterday. It’s cute, very very cute. I’m still trying to get an overview. No cheating or even reading tips or walkthroughs so far. I’m going to try it on my own first.

Besides I thought I give Supernatural a try. Mainly because of Jeffrey Dean Morgan which I know from Grey’s Anatomy (he was the heart patient Denny Duquette whom Izzie fell in love with) - the show is okay if you like ghosts *lol* I do so I like the show - it’s some kind of junior-ghostbuster-roadmovie kind of thing.

More to tell later…

P.S. I did a new design but I’m not yet satisfied. Comments don’t work so far and I don’t know… it doesn’t look the way I want it. So I’ll have to figure out how to fix that…

games, television, rl - real life, english

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