Busy bee

Sep 26, 2006 08:16

Originally published at AlMoSt DoNe. You can comment here or there.

Well, I’m actually trying to clean up my life a bit, which actually includes a whole lot of building sites *lol* I just recently went turning EOJ from the old CMS system to a new one and I’m done with the English part of it now and already started with the rest. I think it looks neat. What do you think?

I also went connecting my LJ to my blog so all you see is posted on both. It’s much easier that way. I figured that it would barely make sense to have 2 different blogs as my life is not the one of a pop star and if there’s something new it belongs to both. Hope you don’t mind it. It’s a lot easier this way though I have to clean up my “Almost Done” as well. Don’t really like how it’s organized.

My “cute” dog is developing odd habids such as stealing and carrying around shoes. If only he would not look so cute when he does it. He never trashed anything so I’m not very consequent *blush* I’m lost as far as this cute guy. Need defenitely to take more pictures of him. He’s almost 7 months now and still growing (which doesn’t mean too much as he’s still small, thank god *lol*)

Dog training is scheduled for this evening but the weather is awful. I’m not sure I’ll be willing to go. But maybe it’ll clear up soon *hope* Weather sucks!!

site related, webdesign, online, rl - real life, english

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