Feb 08, 2005 19:34
Was meant to sleep over at Ayar's tonight, fucker ditched me for Ben. Damnit. I was first. At least Ben felt guilty, don't think Ayar did much. Had coffee with Kerim, Misha and Jenny. Jenny made up the rest of the money I needed for my Vanilla Latte. Thanks Jen. She took out her labret and squirted water at Kerim, I thought it was funny. Kerim being Kerim, he spat water on Jenny, who was wearing a WHITE t-shirt.
Ran into Eowyn at LAN, joy. Had to talk to her, AND give her a cigarette. She sucks at asking for them, you have your packet in your lap, about to put it away when she just reaches out to grab one, and when you give her the "what the fuck do you think you're doing?" look, she just smiles sweetly and goes, "is it okay?" fucking moron... grrr. Most people would ask FIRST. Twit.
Went in to buy The Doom Generation today, as the EzyDVD site said it would be in today, but no, it's just available to ORDER today. I'd only been looking foward to getting that since fucking CHRISTMAS. FUCK.
Crappity crap kinda day. Damnit. **SWEAR**
**paces room, working up more and more rage, eventually snapping and breaking anything withing reach whilst saying naughty words at a high volume**
A-FUCKING-dieu **slams down full-stop key** .