Double Drabble: Unbinding Prometheus (Tsuzuki, YnM)

Jun 14, 2007 14:18

Unbinding Prometheus

A Yami no Matsuei Double Drabble
By Dorian Gray

AN: Written December, 2004.

You will never forget how it feels: the moment of letting go, after the fight, after the pain, after the trying, when you just let everything go.

It comes over you in a rolling stillness, the pause, the look over your shoulder, the look forward, and then,

'I don't have to be doing this. I can stop right here. This -- pain, life -- can all stop and I can finally be free. I can set my burden down. There is a choice.'

And the weight you staggered under -- that drove your feet in the ground, that bent you like a tree under snowfall -- comes off.

It was never there.

You lie back and wait. The end won't be long, it won't be grand, but quiet -- a puff of air so small that the curtains remain unmoved. You watch as life slips out of you like a shadow driven away by sunlight. And then the sky opens above you, and you see for the very first time that what you thought were steel-covered filaments binding you to the world are only cobwebs.

Past fear, past joy, you reach out, thinking,

'All these years, it was only cobwebs.'


pov: 2nd, narrator: tsuzuki, 2004, drabble, tense: present, gen, fandom: ynm, pairing: none

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