Spent the morning on a pointless conference call with clients that aren't comfortable speaking with
Angel. Have no idea how he intends to sort out Wolfram and Hart's less moral clientele, until then, I'm stuck soothing the egos of our more important clients. Nothing that I'm not used to, after all, his office used to be mine. Anyways, the conference call ended with me making lunch arrangements-
McDonald, I'm going to need you for this one, and the inability to put Wes back in his place for insinuating that I was a
sidekick comedic character with low intelligence and lower pedigree. He knows how to make a girl feel good.
Speaking of which,
my Wes has
decided that I'm becoming all too fragile. While this is a little... touching... I might say, and a new look for me, I don't like being viewed in this light. Let me assure you that I've been holding myself together very well with the help of Vicodin and you don't need to worry about me- I'm a Big Evil Lawyer, I can assassinate take care of my own demons. Though, I have to admit, having to deal with my own baggage, along with everyone else's in the firm's, is making me wonder if the mass homicide group therapy route isn't such a bad idea. After all, I look like a peach compared to some of these people.
/firewalled against everyone but myself
Would have gone to make Wes pay for that earlier, but was hit by a dream as I hung up, ended up in a corner of my office, shaking like a leaf from the sheer terror of it. Dreamt I was
Angel, or better yet,
Angelus, and had was busy torturing
Drusilla before turning her. Watching her... taking pleasure in the killing, drenched with blood, her screams gave me such a rush, I felt so, powerful, so... God. I had no control over my body, my actions, my feelings. And then I woke up, and I felt sticky, and realized that there was blood. Everywhere. I have no idea where it came from, but I suddenly was hit with... this feeling, like I had done it, and I couldn't get her screams out of my head... it took me awhile to feel okay, 7 pills, to be exact. But I don't want them to know, if Wes realizes how unstable I am, surely the rest of them must, also.
Besides, I can't have him seeing me this way.
/end firewall
Think I'm going to have Kyle schedule a massage for me this evening, since the office is going to be cleaned. Wish I had not worn the white Armani today.... Also, it appears that the scholarship candidate's mother scheduled an interview Friday, Angel. Looks like another fun filled field trip for us.
Our trip up north proved absolutely fruitless yesterday.
Connor was at a doctor's appointment for migraines, apparently, and while his father seemed nice (causing Angel to grow more silent than ever- a feat I thought was impossible), I think he was a little skeptical until he read the brochure. A free ride always seems to make people more friendly. Anyways, his mother seemed very willing to have her son talk to me Friday, so it's up north we go...
Did find the headaches slightly intriguing, being as how Connor's father mentioned that Connor just started getting them, and they're getting increasingly worse. Will have to make sure that's not a side effect of the deal.
/end firewall
Think I'm going to go down to the cafeteria for a bagel and read over some files there, since the cleaners are here. If anyone needs me, you can find me there.