According to the geeks in the Home Office who're in Metaphysical Resources and Outreach, on a scale of one to ten, this? Gets an eleven in the "Not Good" rankings. I knew after flying back against hard objects that it wasn't good, but they said... this might be out of our park. And by ours, I mean Wolfram and Hart.
Let me recap: I ended up doing a spell with
Morrigan, and it's not what the
News makes it out to be. At all to see if I could detect any metaphysical influences on Wolfram and Hart other than our own, and not only did it end glowing to the point of a small nuclear reaction happening (leaving the pictures completely disintegrated), but she and I both got thrown back- her into the couch- lucky bitch -and me into the fucking entertainment center. Went to the Home Office to file my report, got this in my email this morning.
Subj: Report #LA190284, filed by Morgan, Lilah
Date: 8/5/2003 08:54:02 AM PDT
From: Mahmood, Kadira [Offices of Metaphysical Resource and Outreach, Home Office]
To: Morgan, Lilah [Executive Liason of the Senior Partners, Los Angeles Office]
Priority: High
Encryption: On
Sent In-Network
Ms. Morgan,
Your report from last nights inquiry by magick as to the problems plaguing many of the employees at your office was handed to me as a request to find matches for that type of power in our database. I regret to inform you that from what it appears, Wolfram and Hart does not have access to one singular being or item that could pull that type of force from so small a connection made. This will be extensively researched by my team outside of Wolfram and Hart, in the meantime, the Senior Partners will be alerted if you feel that it's necessary.
Whatever you're dealing with up there, Ms. Morgan, is incredibly dangerous, and I suggest that you and your charges tread very carefully with all spells and magicks not sanctioned by the Partners- they may be manipulated against you.
Kadira Mahmood
Offices of Metaphysical Resource and Outreach, Home Office
So, basically, I'm getting the feeling that we're more screwed than ever, and that it's high time for a meeting. Hopefully,
Angel and I can talk about this a little on our "outing" this afternoon.