Lately my hands they don't feel like mine........

Dec 04, 2010 18:45

So I have finally seen "The Town". I was so excited because the book is one of the best books I have ever read. 
The book is haunting and it's heartbreaking to read. Here's a man who wants to change his life so badly that he is willing to risk his life.
A man that struggles between his old life and a new one.
The movie was nothing like I expected. I expected the book. Well, I got some of it. But I expected more.
Ben Affleck can make movies. He did an okay job with another one of my favorite books Gone baby Gone. Even though I think the casting of Angie was way, way off...
But this movie, The Town...Well, I kind of wanted more heartbreak and pain. The ending of the book was nothing life the ending of the movie which I think was not really bad but safe. The ending is perfect and real. It's painful and sad. This ending was like Ben Affleck was too scared to go there. It was more Hollywood which pissed me off. But mostly I would love to have this part in the movie:

"In your garden." He spoke in hoarse bursts. "That last time. I wanted tell me not to do it. I wanted stop me."
She shook her head in horror.
"I wanted give me a reason..."
"But nothing I could have said..."
She still didn't get him. "I would have done....anything for you. Even save myself."

But sadly nothing like that is in the movie. And oh, don't get me started on the casting of Blake Lively as Krista. Why?! The woman can't act to save her life. It's just sad to see her. Maybe that's the point...;)

Another thing..If you haven't seen Downton Abbey yet..Well, then you just have to. Such an awesome show. I love the character of Mr.Bates. I read somewhere that he was compared to characters like Mr Darcy and Mr Thornton in North & South. I think they are right in a way. At least he is a character you want. I loved the scene in the first episode where he is kind of begging to let him stay. Excellent acting when you can see the pain in his face. 
But I also fell in love with Mary and Matthew.
I'm glad to see that they are making a series two.
It's just need to be soon.


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