"Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form."

Oct 23, 2010 18:42

Time moves so fast. Yesterday was the anniversary of my dad's death. A year had passed since that night when I entered that room and saw my father for the last time. I went home yesterday and me and my mum put flowers on his grave and lit candles. I talked to him as I do sometimes. I told him that I missed him. There is so much I want to tell him. That feeling will never go away.
Sometimes I wonder if he was scared knowing that he hadn't much time left. Sometimes I think about the fact that he never really got to see his dreams come through. We talked about that a couple of months before he died. He had just seen "The Bucket list" for the first time and he wanted to see more of the world before he died. He talked about wanting to see the sea and the farm where he grew up. He had a dream when he was young that he wanted to learn how to fly. He loved planes. I wanted to give him flying lessons or something like that when it came time for him to retire. The cancer robbed him of all of that.
My dad worked all of the time. He almost never sick until he was diagnosed with cancer. He waited to do so many things until it was too late.
I will get this meaning tattoo:d on the inside of my wrist memento vivere. It's latin and means remember that you have to live. And that's one thing that losing my dad has thought me; to never ever put of things, to never wait for another day. Just to fight as hard as possible to make your dreams come through.

"We do not need to grieve for the dead. Why should we grieve for them? They are now in a place where there is no more shadow, darkness, loneliness, isolation, or pain. They are home."  ( John O'Donohue )

My dad ( about five months before he died )

My dad...I love you...

"He died that day because his body had served its purpose. His soul had done what it came to do, learned what it came to learn, and then was free to leave."  ( Garth Stein )

"Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but rather openings where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy."


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